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Everything posted by Lexx

  1. Well, maybe the show is just not for you then. Not everyone has to like everything. If it sucks, just move on, don't pull a Star Trek on it where you force yourself to waste time in the hopes of ever seeing joy again.
  2. I agree with that somewhat, but I guess they had issues with pacing and thus felt it was better this way. Personally I'm ok with that now. Oddly enough, I don't even mind the 1 week break until release of part 2 - usually I like it more when everything gets released at once. Maybe it's because it really did feel long at times and I'm happy for a short break? In any case, it's better than the return of the 1 week per episode thing, which is happening more and more now, and which I still hate very much. One thing I also wanted to point out is that .... I really don't care about the 11 storyline. Every time it comes up, I just want it to end asap, because it's just such a drag for the most of it. Ugh.
  3. Well, I can tell you that I had to force myself through s3, but for s4 I had no issue with just sitting down one episode, one more episode, one more episode... The only reason I didn't finish it right away yesterday is because I was super tired already and then saw the 1 1/2 hour playtime of the last episode. S4ep1 is maybe a bit too slow. It feels kinda cluttered, because they show all these characters and everyone has like 2 minutes of playtime, and it's like they have to cram as many early 90s song snippets into the episode as possible, but with ep2 I was ready and back into it.
  4. Just finished part 1 of Stranger Things s4. Liked it a lot. Much better than s3. And the best thing: part 2 will be out next week. Also as I've just found out, part 2 is only going to be 2 episodes... but basically movie length. Ep 8 is going to be 1 hour and 25 minutes, and ep 9 is going to be 2 hours and 30 minutes(!!!!). Pretty hype, not gonna lie. Didn't thought the show would pull me in like that again after the meh season 2 and the meeeh season 3.
  5. Well... no spoilers, but ... So turns out the episodes don't just feel long, they actually are long. All of them are 60+ minutes and the 7th / last episode is almost 2 hours. Won't manage to watch it anymore today, will finish it tomorrow.
  6. You mean where they have to look for a DnD replacement player?
  7. 2 episodes in on the new Stranger Things and I have 2 things so far: 1. It feels looooooong. There are so many characters now and everyone gets their 2 minutes and it just feels like you never get to the storyline that you actually want to see. 2. Man, it sure gets spooky at times.
  8. Looks like the new Stranger Things is out now. Well... first half of it at least... Going to binge watch it this weekend, I guess.
  9. As far as I've heard, there's plenty ukraine soldiers in the east who don't have anything left to fight the russians with. They request permission to retreat, or they simply abandon their position on their own and wait for getting arrested. Better than waiting for russians to kill them I guess.
  10. Just binge watched the Loki show. Was better than I expected.
  11. Damn, I was looking around for "From" already but couldn't find it. Guess it's simply not (yet?) available around here, which sucks.
  12. Watched Mission Impossible 5 on monday and 6 yesterday after I've read a lot of praise for them on reddit for a while now. I'm surprised that they actually didn't sucked. After the 2nd movie years ago I've never seen any of them / never bothered with it anymore. (Also there's been so many movie releases by now that I've automatically assumed they are all garbage.) Anyways. It was quite enjoyable. Nice action, nice twists that I didn't predicted at all, and the characters are likeable with the occasional funny thrown into the mix. The "I'm backstabbing you!" - "Fool! I'm actually backstabbing you with backstabbing the people you wanted to use to backstab me!" stuff was a bit over the top, but other than that I did not fall asleep while watching, which is pretty good for me nowadays. Honestly looking forward to Mission Impossible 7 now.
  13. https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2022/05/22/7347746/ "Western sanctions "virtually wrecked all logistics" in Russia." I'm confused. Putin said last month that western sanctions have failed.
  14. Alpha Protocol made me realize that I have a thing for strong women, if you know what I mean.
  15. My problem with the story is that it just made no damn sense. So there is a bubble now -- that part is fine. People are leaving the area -- ok, that is fine. Kids arrive and hold tournaments in the bubble and to participate in that they share their food ressources, but everyone is very civil about it and in a way they are all kinda friends anyways... eh. Then later All in all it felt stupid. Guess it's primarily for a much younger audience and people who like Hunger Games or something. I'm too old for this.
  16. The story in anime isn't always dumb. But in this case, so much of the setting just didn't made any sense at all.
  17. Just watched this Bubble anime on Netflix. Visually it's nice, but the story was dumb.
  18. I dunno. Bingewatched it yesterday but most episodes didn't really do much for me. Liked the robots and the crab, the swarm thing was also not bad. Rats was ok though I find it weird that the rats didn't care their genocide was done by the guy in the first place ... etc. Personally I think s1 is still the best. From s2 I actually can't remember any episode.
  19. I still don't know what this movie is.
  20. I'm still sad I didn't bought Rheinmetall stock when it was at 90€. Thought it is pretty much at the top already and buying into it was too late. Then war started for realz and it went up to 220€. Even right now it's still at 180€, so pretty much 100% increase. Crazy - some people got really rich.
  21. Playing spicy police and terrorizing the remaining population in the area.
  22. There's talk about russia giving mariupol to the kadyrov people.
  23. Don't buy it yet. It's a 30 bucks barely-tech-demo. Maybe it will be better in year, who knows. For now it isn't even close to what Arma 3 is.
  24. "This site is not available in your country" guess we ain't.
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