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Everything posted by Lexx

  1. I've tried the new update now. Can't feel a difference in performance. Not sure if the game looks better than before since I haven't played it in a while. The new mechanics are working exactly how I thought - all perks reset after loading a savegame and you can relocate them. Also I got a call from Viktor who told me that "new upgrades are available" or something and that I should go and visit a ripper doc. So I went to the next one and then all my implants were reset and I've assigned new ones. The whole implants mechanic is different now - looks and feels a lot better, imo. Also I've lost the suppressor on my revolver. Seems that suppressed revolvers are a thing of the past now. And the clothing system completely changed too. Went to the nearest clothing shop and assigned new clothes. Oh, shooting from vehicles seems to be working nice. Not sure yet when or if I would ever need that in regular gameplay, but will see later, I guess.
  2. It's 2023, SSD is always necessary. Hell, even my backup server only runs on SSD now. Not buying anything else anymore.
  3. Must be a hardware issue, since I don't have any ghosting in my game. It's honestly impressive to me how it manages to boost the fps so much with almost no visible impact. Only in rain did I notice weird artifacts.
  4. The grain thing just shows how much corruption there is in europe as well. I can understand both sides - ukraine who just want to move their grain through poland, etc. and the bordering countries who are worried about crashing grain prices because they can't compete with them. On the other hand, there are already rules that the ukraine grain can't be sold in european stores... but why does it happen anyways? Look at the people who are mixing the local stuff with it. This is where they have to crack down - give them huge fines or whatever, I don't know. I'm sure the authorities could find out who's behind it if they would try.
  5. I mean, some do https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/eu-calls-azerbaijan-stop-military-activities-karabakh-2023-09-19/
  6. Never finished MW5 because the mission design was... not that great. Always the same, always the same waves, frustratingly dumb ai, etc. Dunno how much that changed with the later DLCs.
  7. Truth told, I'm still tired and burned out on the clans. But good to know MW5 was successful enough that they still keep working on it.
  8. Here's some more funny: Obvious disclaimer, no idea how much truth is in it. This might as well all be BS, just like all the other "Putin is about to die"-reports.
  9. Had nothing better to do, so checked out Lookism. The premise sounded stupid, but turns out the show is pretty good. Watched all 8 episodes in one go and want more now. No season 2 in sight yet, though.
  10. Patch roadmap: https://community.jaggedalliance.com/index/dev-diaries/devdiary-16-patch-roadmap-r21/ Bobby Ray's incoming! On the one hand, I've really missed the shop, on the other hand, my crew is already fully decked out and I don't really have any issues with crafting the ammo I need. Since I have almost unlimited amount of money now, I fear the shop will make the game even easier. That said, I do kinda miss the early game difficulty. Rolling with 2 squads of fully geared out mercs with high skills does make the game quite easy most of the time.
  11. Damn, what a twist. Too lazy to look into it deeper, but it does sound like it makes sense.
  12. What did they do to get death threads. That's not exactly a normal thing to happen. I'm really curious which engine is going to replace Unity in the long term. I'm still baffled at this stupid decision. Especially since their current plan is impossible to realize and they can pretty much just invent fantasy numbers and there's nothing you can really do against that as a developer.
  13. I find it hard to believe that the expansion would change the engine all that much? Like, if it's already fine right now, I kinda doubt it will be all that different.
  14. https://www.cyberpunk.net/en/build-planner I just glanced at it, but looks good to me so far.
  15. It's great. I just finished a rewatch of it and am still liking it.
  16. Damn, still almost 2 weeks to go. I'm really hype. Even rewatched Edgerunners again over the last 2 days. I really need more.
  17. Probably it's not really what people want from a FF game. Personally I didn't like the style either. At least they tried to do something different, I guess.
  18. This is misleading. They are still up from last year. Also FF16 was not a flop. That said, "stocks only go up"-mentality is exactly why we have to deal with so much garbage nowadays.
  19. Welp, looks like the engine is dead to me then. This is not sustainable at all for indies.
  20. Yeah, I'm not watching all that much anime, but it does get more and more noticeable for me. Funny, I just remembered Horimiya. Liked that anime so much, I even bought the mangas to get more of it However, you don't really have to dig deep to find the conservative garbage in it. In hindsight, it even feels like propaganda to me. The main characters are very modern on the outside, but in private they actually want conservative values. Hell, the female protagonist even has a fetish about getting manhandled by the male protagonist. Makes me wonder how much this stuff affects the youth.
  21. So I don't know why, but I watched this My Happy Marriage on Netflix. The tl;dr is ... jeez, what a load of conservative garbage. At first it started fine, but then they steadily slipped into that "I want to be a good housewife and love my husband"-stuff and it just lost me. Feels weird seeing people drool over that anime.
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