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Everything posted by Lexx

  1. Still looks cheesy as hell.
  2. So maybe people only had fatigue of games like this and dropped in later. It's certainly possible that a game doesn't push that hard on release, but will keep selling steadily over time. Shame we can't see the statistics.
  3. Watched s2ep1 of the new Invincible. Multiverse stuff again I'm so tired of it. Multiverse is boring and predictable and just feels like lazy writing to me now.
  4. I just use my regular guns. The trick is to only shoot once when they are about to die. This way they are knocked out but not killed.
  5. What's the point of floating damage numbers if they are so big and so fast and so many that nobody is ever able to read them?
  6. Damn, Matthes Perry is dead.
  7. I wrote in hyperbole a bit, but generally east germany wasn't that big on religion. Obviously we had churches and stuff, but in our area that wasn't really something the people did. Also had no religious propaganda in school nor family, so basically we were growing up quite sheltered from it. Everything I know about Jesus & Friends is what I've learned about it on my own when I was much older. /Edit: Here's some numbers: Today, approx 70% of former west germany are members of a church, while in former east germany it is barely 24%. Quite the difference. /Edit2: One more fun fact. When I started reading the quran out of curiosity, I was initially blown away with how similar it is to the bible. Like, jeez, it's as if someone copied someone elses homework and just changed it up a little bit.
  8. I grew up in an atheist country and never cared much for Jesus.
  9. Funny, we learned about the whole WW2 thing a lot in school, but I never really grasped the background of it all until I've read Umberto Eco's Prague Cemetery. At first the book highly confused me, so I started reading up on it more until it finally really clicked for me, that jews weren't just hated by Germany back then. It goes so damn far back in time. In hindsight it is obvious, but it really wasn't in my mind like that. Literally everyone hated jews and they were commonly used as scapegoats. Chances are high that if germany wouldn't have started with the death camps, someone else for sure would have.
  10. Watched s3 of the mandalorian. It was... something, I guess. Not the worst, not the best. Kinda felt like the actual story was supposed to end with s2, but because the boba fett thing bombed, they decided to make a s3 after all. Was weird to me how they brought back the big bad and then instantly killed him off again. Like, what's this going to be now? Will he return over and over again? Will next season have someone else? Why was it necessary to bring him back for just a few episodes? I don't get it.
  11. I believe it is much shorter than PoE1. Don't think I've spend 80 hours on a playthrough.
  12. Question is, why did Deadfire (apparently) fail so hard? Was it the pirate setting, or was it that PoE1 got overhyped hard and the majority of players actually didn't really like it? Personally I never finished PoE1. Game felt too long, middle was a slog, and I'm really not a fan of rtwp combat blobs. On the other hand, I played through Deadfire 2 times (new playthrough right after the first one!), despite the rtwp blob combat. Guess I managed better, because I think pirates are cool. Also the game is quite a bit shorter. My only issue with it is that the side-content islands felt like nothing but simple fillers, and that many of the quests felt very formulaic. Like, by now I can 100% predict which choices will show up for me, what exactly I can do, and how it very likely will turn out.
  13. I'm still playing my 2000+ mods Skyrim and pretend that it is Bloodborne. Damn, just imagine Elden Ring... but Bloodborne. I want it so hard.
  14. I never skilled anything into brawling, but the beat on the brat boxing quests are still easy once you hit a level threshold. If you learn how to block correctly and then just pummel them all the time, you can make it all the way through easily, especially in late game. That's kinda my issue with the level scaling now... everything gets easy.
  15. Yeah, it feels much more grounded and mature, with less stupidity thrown into it. Though I kinda find it funny how that main town almost looks like just a reskin of that town from Mandalorian.
  16. Watched Andor yesterday. It was suprisingly good. Probably the best Star Wars since the first season of the Mandalorian.
  17. Well, today you should buy the Legendary Edition anyways. It has pretty much everything included, even the bazillion of creator club addons. I bought the update on steam for 10 bucks 2 days ago. Felt worth the risk, just because I wanted to check out some mods. (See, moddability is an important feature that makes people buy your stuff. IMO one of the main reasons why Skyrim and FNV still sell today, but The Outer World doesn't..)
  18. Funny, I'm currently playing some Skyrim again... with literally 2000+ mods. -> https://www.nolvus.net/ Crazy how different this game can look. Sadly it still won't fix the terrible quests and writing, and in part even makes it worse. I had to disable some mods in that package, because I just couldn't bear it. Sometimes less is more for sure, especially when it comes to... uh.. adult content. I just started the Dawnguard dlc storyline. Can't remember much about it from back in the days, but I think it wasn't so bad. Also that Dragonborn DLC set in Morrowind was great. Probably the best writing and most interesting quests in the game. /Edit: Honestly, I'm quite impressed with how you can visually change the game. It still looks janky, but Dark Souls-quality is almost possible. Here's my Lady Maria inspired character. Dynamically animated cloak + hair. Lots of clipping, naturally, but still looks so much better than vanilla.
  19. That makes you a very rare exception. Majority of players does not buy a game twice. Unless it's Skyrim, I guess. : >
  20. Considering how lame shotguns are in CoD, I'm surprised if it doesn't reflect negatively on shotgun sales! Well yes, pretty much this. Also, keep in mind that you will never sell as much DLC as you made in game sales. Can't remember the stats right now, but I think if 30% of your players who bought the game are also buying your DLC, then that's a good number already. It gets worse the longer a games playtime is. Probably one of the reasons why CDPR rather works on a new Cyberpunk game than another DLC for CP2077 -- a new game release will bring them a crapton of more sales than another DLC.
  21. This is exactly why stock market is not very popular around here. It requires the numbers to always go up, but that's just not how the market works. Too big a risk for my taste.
  22. I mean, "dirt cheap" is still quite expensive for DLCs. Depending on how many people are working on those and for how long.
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