Ahh ok. Never experience that here. My receipts always had a Tip field. Guess I need to vary my restaurant choices and frequency. Heh, was nice when I went to MS for an interview, had $50 left over for food budget so I decided what the hey and gave the waitress that as a tip for a $30 meal. Luckily they didn't notice that on the review
you mean Eidos forums? this could be interesting
Yeah for the most part it's accepted, is some moral outrage about using a leaked previwer's copy every now and then.
People are talking about it openly on their forums the last time I checked, so go there (mind you, the audience there are fans so it's tainted anyway).
DNF was going to get bad reviews anyway. It's sordid past, and every reviewer can be highbrow by hating it. Not necessarily my kind of game, but I've been watching some German guy playing it, still early on that (hm, that makes me a pirate I guess )
There's some serious DLC for this game, heh. Should replay it, first time out I didn't find myself taken with it - some of the changes were pretty bleh. But they've changed a bit no ?
Har har. I liked Kyd's music, just odd to leave him out at this point of the series. Maybe he was too busy. Likewise for Bateson, although he wants to be in it, but they seem uninterested.
Well it's not about it looking ugly, but that trailer hardly spikes interest. I did like the bit where there's a line of baddies outside covering behind a wall.
I did miss the styles. RPG combat generally isn't exciting for me in the most part, it would have been nice to be able to do stuff like queue attacks - you can sort of do that now, but deal with the wonky targetting and need to be fast on the mouse.