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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. I wish I didn't play 16 hours straight while listening to 'Rollin'' by Limp Bizkit. Hearing that awful song gives me flashbacks of Raindance and Broadside
  2. Never time to stop playing Tribes, only about 50 of them last time I checked. But is nice to see games having a long life.
  3. Probably like Tribes 1 at this point, the only ones left are the insular super hardcore ?
  4. Hah, no. But that is interesting, who knew they needed mil-spec pens.
  5. Always love the snark you can get for not automatically being interested in an Obsidian game, heh. Still pushing on in HoMM3, also might give I-War a go, not sure how well that works with no joystick.
  6. Malcador


    For some reason came across this - Loreena McKennitt - God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen Really dig that rendition. Also Dio Sings it
  7. Nah don't drink, just going to spend the night with the family and dogs.
  8. Celebrated my birthday today. Got pens and shoes, nice pair of Eccos too. Also watched Arsenal's first game. Wow, great refereeing in the EPL
  9. Really ? Sure are scraping the barrel for media items here
  10. Wouldn't say it's condoned. Here you see the teeth gnashing and fist shaking at the mere mention of it, and other places you get the requisite words, scum, thieves, entitlement culture, etc. So it's largely an upopular choice for gamers. DRM as an excuse is dumb, I agree.
  11. They're written by game reviewers
  12. There's also his voice.
  13. Well, ideally we should always look for the negatives, if there's little wrong well then the game's good, right ?
  14. I should really try to get a Heck ending.
  15. I'm not saying there's a direct link, I'm saying in an industry with **** like that going on and the consumers actually supporting these hackers and crackers it's no wonder companies are getting increasingly draconian in their protection methods. I'll start caring about gamer DRM outcries when gamers start making sure they're no longer neccesary. It's about time gamers grew out of this self-entitlement phase and turned their attention on the ****ers who are ruining it for the rest of us. Hm, maybe. HL2's case I doubt it as it wasn't like he was in a scene group or something, if I recall. Not exactly how you seem to blame all gamers for pirates existing though, thus leaving them to get boned by any quirks or failings of a DRM scheme that the pirates themselves evade. But yeah, I can see us getting stuck with heavy handed DRM schemes in the future, as well, not much we can do to rub out warez groups
  16. Actually, that was a joke on FoxConn, the place with the worker suicides due to varying things, etc. . Probably should have made that clearer, oh well.
  17. I dunno, if they're in China...
  18. Oh, that's a good solution then.
  19. Is it just them or everyone in there with them ? I guess it does satisfy this need for 'retribution' the media here keep saying Brits seek
  20. What does source code "theft" have to do with DRM exactly ?
  21. Been listening to http://bigamarrianraveparty.ytmnd.com/ for about..3 hours now. Probably should shut it off though..hmm..
  22. Boobs, that's all they have.
  23. Yes, yes they do. And in fact I get crap for not having my reports detailed enough aka up to some guy's idea of what they should be. Oh yeah and timesheets and a bureaucratic source control system. Hope you pull through it, tarna.
  24. Hooray!
  25. It'd be nice to have a sort of Ghost Recon like game set in 40k, at least for SM anyway would make sense - squad tactical type shooter. But yeah, damn UMs.
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