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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. List of deaths due to Irene
  2. What were those ? It does kind of make sense from an in-universe view though, thinking on it.
  3. People still buy CDs ?
  4. Hah, pretty much. Demo was fun for the first run, sadly won't be bothering in buying that game. Plodding along in Deus Ex, on Lebedev now.
  5. What about mugging people and stealing the game from them ?
  6. That was horrible.
  7. I like the second screenshot. I'll stay in the 'It will suck' camp for the moment though.
  8. Been replaying DX as well, is funny how when I say on vent that I'm playing 'Deus Ex' they mistake which game I'm actually playing.
  9. Go to client site, spend 2 hours going WTF to only find out that it was the thing the client and I found weird but dismissed because 'well it certainly can't be that'. On the bright side, it's a nice view here.
  10. Tropico 3 is a fun diversion, seems it's hard for me to lose though, hm. Was interested in the 4th installment, but apparently it's just 3.11.
  11. Nice try, Walshingham's alt.
  12. Yep, reading nothing but 'has the DX feel', etc. etc.
  13. They're not. Those were the trolls at that forum
  14. I remember when spending all day online was considered uncool, something losers and nerds do. Then smarrtphones came out.
  15. She needs it. She preserves it. Keeps her sharp, on the edge, where she's gotta be, man.
  16. Eh, most of the trolling comments take the stance of a DX hardcore vet, or something. The lesser ones compare it to ME or COD or something, heh. The forum there is full of people that look down on COD players, in my experience hehe. The Hitman forum thankfully is a soothing bastion of negativity to compensate for the DXHR one.
  17. Oh no, people trolling! Not actually seeing all that much of it, although their forums are a mess right now.
  18. Got my cleaning done at 5 am today. Kinda nice to have to do it stealthily as to not wake anyone else up. Now to get settled in and watch a horrid football match that will ruin my morning.
  19. So it'll happen when you miss 3 things on the checklist, I'm guessing.
  20. Next Two Up
  21. Pft Russian. Go Serbian mail order.
  22. There are other kinds ?
  23. You forgot ones with moral choices.
  24. Well then, that's worth snark I guess. Carry onward.
  25. Oh right. Boo Spector, you sell out, etc.
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