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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Malcador

    Libya 2

    Latest PR here is the tragic story of a Canadian IT worker that returned to Libya, and got sniped on Wednesday. Apparently some rebel dying is heart-touching news here, or something.
  2. Game will still sell and be loved by all!
  3. I knew I should have put a carriage return after the first sentence, would have probably met with my intention. Can now download the game today though, huzzah.
  4. Hmm...ever read Lord of the Flies ?
  5. Don't be in so love with them just yet, heh. Apparently there's a patch out to reduce the load times.
  6. Commute took way longer today, not sure where this traffic came from though. Sad that people can't even road rage right here, on the way home, in front of the bus stop one guy can't go into the intersection due to traffic, guy 3 cars behind him gets out and yells "Move! you...you...YOU WHITE BITCH!" and shakes his fist. Everyone started laughing, then the guy started cussing us out, heh.
  7. Huh, QA's gotta be blushing about that one.
  8. I'll believe it when Netcraft confirms it.
  9. Ahh come on, it's a joke on Apple zealots. Deaths of public figures does tend to produce rather silly displays. MP died here, have people crying in the street, leaving messages to...er the dead guy, candlelight vigil, the whole works. Today is another fun day of listening to the smart developers bitch about how dumb the clients are, their wives (bunch of whipped bastards) and the application being sucky.
  10. Wonder what else is coming. Syndicate ? Anyway, will probably get both of those.
  11. Damn right I fight the power. Also I have a bandwidth cap and I still kind of like a physical copy, albeit for games I'm not just 'meh' towards makes replaying on a whim slightly easier.
  12. I can't wait to see what happens when Jobs dies. The poor Apple faithful will be devastated, there'll be black turtlenecks of mourning everywhere.
  13. Malcador

    Libya 2

    Zombie Rommel demands vengeance
  14. Yep, posted that in news already. Was thinking places other than Gamestop though
  15. Still found that funny that my friend exclaimed that...if he took too long the hostages would die. Might as well grab the game tonight if it's available.
  16. Would be interesting to see, though. Also... http://www.joystiq.com/2011/08/24/gamestop...pons-from-reta/
  17. Was expecting as much. Ah well, hope Relic gets good returns on it.
  18. Kind of depressing really. Hm, I guess it's too much to hope for a total collapse of the industry though.
  19. Mod support would delay the game
  20. Not surprised people already beat it, 15 hours or so. So, decent length to it. Still waiting to hear negatives about the game rather than a stream of "OMG this game is awesometastic!" style crap from my friends that have it.
  21. Hey now, NATO did this for humanitarian reasons, motivated only by the need to defend the oppressed as they fought valiantly for liberty and freedom! Waste of money.
  22. Only 33 ? Hm. Found something funny in the men's room of a pub I met a friend at (endured his usual whining about how women don't like him, etc. - still refuses to HTFU or just forget about the whole deal), walk in and on the paper dispenser is a giant eight pointed star. And another one was on the fire hydrant outside the pub too. Damn Chaos.
  23. Time to destroy the internet.
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