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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-63437212 Wonder what drones were used. Russia's response is to leave the grain deal, for now.
  2. Apropos walked by a lady with a baby, thing started crying as soon as they laid eyes on me. The streak continues.
  3. There's plenty of conservatives posting fake news and revisionist history on there now.
  4. Could always sell them as MTx. That would be 2020s.
  5. Yeah, probably - it is a good time killer when I don't have much more than 30-45 minutes.
  6. Sounds like a skill issue there.
  7. https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/ukraine-crisis-russia-base Total aside, Cyrillic cursive is gorgeous.
  8. Not enough death, but it'll do.
  9. Shame it didn't end up with them in a ditch.
  10. https://www.thewitcher.com/en/news/46225/the-witcher-remake-is-in-development Alas, will be no cards this time around I guess.
  11. In day to day life dealing with individuals sure is corrosive and so on. Assuming diplomats and politicians are full of crap when they complain of injustice and speak of morality (highlight was the British official saying how dare a P5 member attack a smaller nation), not really. I've seen that enough in my brief time on this Earth. As for self loathing, what the **** are you on about ? As people told me when this war started, there are geopolitically revelant places and irrelevant ones, which was I getting at with my reply to Gfted1. Well complicated in that the situation needs explaining. See Yemen, Tigray, Myanmar.
  12. Can never be too cynical when it comes to state's motivations for things. The people in those states probably even more so.
  13. Well not all, freedom and democracy for those we need for money. The rest are too complicated so, who cares.
  14. https://canadiandimension.com/articles/view/financial-war-and-its-discontents Speaking of the assets.
  15. I don't think they will. Ukraine'll just have to suckle on the EU and US teat for a while.
  16. Pretty much. For some strange reason a lot of people in the West don't accept that as reality.
  17. I am honestly surprised they're not calling for that - people already hate Qatar as host due to human rights (skeptical most people claiming that actually give a toss), timing (whiny Euros) or not being able to drink or something. Maybe should also make Zelensky the head of state of every country.
  18. I don't see how it isn't - Ukraine had their chance to qualify as every other nation did and failed, so their wanting (ok, is just some clown from Shakhtar Donetsk) is whining and feeling entitled to getting in.
  19. All we need now is Scooter to provide the soundtrack.
  20. What poor young woman has he roped in, I wonder.
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