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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Typical Monday. Kids will be out tonight, so that'll be freaking annoying with the bell ringing even if it is a school night. Should set up some sort of timer operated candy dispenser, hah.
  2. Ah, I knew I'd have to pay for yesterday's great day with a really, really terrible one
  3. Fish evolved resistance to PCBs
  4. Funny today how I woke up everyone but me with my alarm clock. Granted still got up at 7, but is interesting how on weekends and holidays I can get up easily with no sleep, but on work dsys I can barely get myself out of bed. Today I do the big chores list, ugh.
  5. It would be funny if in ME3 a cute, cuddly, toy marketable race helps destroy the Reapers.
  6. Seems reasonable enough to do.
  7. Decided that I don't have enough games I don't finish so starting VtM:B.
  8. Tearing up cardboard boxes is stress relief for me, and it aids in recycling.
  9. I'm infuriated at the fact I don't understand that, yet remember doing it in signals
  10. Not sure what new augs they can add or how to balance them ?
  11. Can't be any worse than our "THERE IS AN ERROR. GET HELP NOW!!" messages.
  12. Chuckled a bit at that. The number one thing being 10, I mean.
  13. After a year with this application I'm convinced it's a Chaos infested one, so eh. Thinking about it though from a client's POV, IT/app support is a lot like techpriest work though - show up, perform some steps that do -something- and then start the machine/server/program.
  14. It's not the final name. Well that's good then. Maybe they'll call it xbox cubed or something.
  15. If true, the 720 is a pretty poor name
  16. Oddly you reminded me I need to remove the "Server boot completed! Praise the Omnissiah!" debug message before someone sees that.
  17. Rather enjoying being in the middle of a storm at work, the higher ups are aware of my existence. That and being on site is fun as I can watch the way cubicle society here works. People only seem to talk with their groupmates or cubicle-mates, generally avoid talking to or making eye contact with anyone else. Also, my word is taken as gospel on our application, which cuts both ways sadly
  18. Wonder why Korea never got a game, truly a forgotten war. Anyway still pluggin on in DOW2, really overestimated myself with Captain, or I have really bad gear. Also finishing off Caesar IV, wish they'd make another game in the series.
  19. Malcador


    Three Little Birds This on loop helps with work.
  20. Die, heretic!
  21. Hmm...that is pretty ridiculous. But EA-esque.
  22. Although it will be annoying having to switch between them to play the various games you have on each, I'd imagine (but then again, how tedious is that). Maybe someone can make a unified client for them at that point, heh. What was that about TOR's pricing plan, though ?
  23. The more applications, the better.
  24. Sounds like a good side-source of entertainment when playing.
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