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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. The bit with the kid was priceless. The music when the Normandy departs is pretty good for the scene, though. Also, the quote in my sig is mainly about programming (hence the source). For my elitism, I take Roberta Williams' view
  2. Well, at least we can make fun of people if they choose anything less than 'RPG mode', right ?
  3. Taxi came to get my dad at 6 am...when he asked for 6pm. I was already up, but the family sleep in usually, now they're all bitchy and cranky, pffft.
  4. Thought that spyware claim was debunked.
  5. Hm, I sort of understand the modes but at the same time wish they weren't necessary .
  6. Maybe the pick method returns Citrus type objects ?
  7. Rainbow Six Patriots 'prototype' video Yeah...
  8. Latest Modern Warfare 3 controversy generator Ok, they took that down. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rhhpeLUyjbQ hope that works In any event, just a a FP view of a little girl getting exploded in a terrorist attack.
  9. IEEE Article on the first 24 hours of Fukushima
  10. Somehow messed up my hip flexor or so I've determined from Googling (original way I wrote that made it sound as if I got a Google induced injury, hah!). Will make the walk home fun, heh.
  11. How does that accent sound to you guys btw? Well reminds me of the CCP Devs when they speak sometime. One of the guys reminds me of Ahnuld at some moments, heh.
  12. I believe it was this project. The idea about seeing a clip of his life as he dies was pretty funny.
  13. Rainbow Six Patriots in the works I can hardly wait.
  14. Or just wait for GOTY bundles and Steam sales, they always show up if you wait long enough.
  15. No but Malik has her Jock moment where she can get exploded.
  16. Did they state how much was from the game itself ? That article has a lot of other things contributing. So claiming it sold well but not stellar isn't necessarily so. In any event, the good work got rewarded.
  17. Don't think they claimed it tanked, but just that it wasn't stellar.
  18. Eh, that's probably a large stretch.
  19. Cliffy B on ME3 (hey that rhymes)
  20. PCGamer has it Whoops, too slow. I do like how they clear up that "V" is five.
  21. Chaos Rising, doing quite well with my team being more assault oriented. Also wonder why I never used Jonah more, very useful powers.
  22. Various complaints of uptime or suspicious about it snooping on your hard disk, so far. Latter is a problem in Germany, will look later but all I find is in German.
  23. Have to go on site again, sadly minus a flamethrower and grenades.
  24. BF3 hacked to work without Origin Just removes Origin apparently. I guess there are problems with it ?
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