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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Sure made our work really quiet. Some of the developers skipped out to watch some "football" game too.
  2. Flogged it to death, I think.
  3. It's not that outlandish, got the game maybe 4-5 months ago.
  4. I am Alive not coming to PC due to piracy Well, given that AC:Revelations is out a week in advance, I suppose he's got a point.
  5. Making an Arma 2 mission, is rather fun to notice how on some runs the civilian helos get shot down, other ones they escape. Pilots need to use flares though. 220 hours of this game, still not even started the SP.
  6. Damn, that sucks, Raithe. Condolences if you were close. Today being Turkey Day in the US, there's absolutely squat going on at work. Well for the other members of my team, I've got some poorly spec'd out work to do. Also, team is due to be 'decimated' in the future - but as there's only eight of us, I think we're all fine.
  7. Well that'd be good. People have been suggesting that since 07, response was that it makes PVP difficult as you can't size up your opponent, if I recall correctly anyway.
  8. Spent the entire day trying to shell script, when I have no idea how to do that. Bleh for ugly and pathetic code, it works though. Maybe. I guess that's another weekend project to do, means I get to hang out in the office on Saturday, hah.
  9. Do they have wifi and is TOR installed on a laptop if you have one ?
  10. Hey, they need police protection from their slaves.
  11. Don't think it's just one incident making people think less of cops. Lots of cameras around the Occupy stuff too, so that helps.
  12. Random aside, when at work, always look at the link text before clicking.
  13. *cough* Guild Wars 2 *cough* I stand corrected. Just have come to not expect such things from MMORPGs. Has anyone played the Agent, and if so, how is their story/playstyle ?
  14. Would be nice to see choice in a MMORPG, well other than choice of loot rewards.
  15. EA's track record with the C&C games isn't that great, but a reboot could not suck
  16. Heh, if only that were true. Too many cops want to play soldier or just have a burning desire to show how hard they are. G20 here and the latest Occupy Toronto stuff had them around downtown with their warfaces on. Rather funny.
  17. No FPS has ever been as fun as Tribes.
  18. I guess this is the shooter people have been waiting for. Worth watching at least.
  19. Hey, it could work.
  20. Well, she's right, serves you right for talking to her. Reminds me, we're a bit overdue for a blow up in my family. Is rather interesting how one behaves when in a blind rage, heh. Day is just flying by when I'd rather it slow the heck down. On the bright side, found out 50% of a quarter of my assignment was done already by another dev, huzzah.
  21. I like the horns in the music.
  22. Yup, that's why I have a good coat, boots and walk around while waiting. Granted, we have wussy winters in this city.
  23. For some reason thet Exile's voice makes me think of SHODAN.
  24. Ah the MP disease spreads. Still, everything else looks pretty cool.
  25. Just a one-time online check.
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