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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Errr..ok.
  2. Eh, just wait for the new thread (they'll kill this off at 500 or so).
  3. Huh I thought he was talking about a PC mouse.
  4. Damn, he's more annoying on camera than he is via text.
  5. Did get a little chuckle about Vigil telling me it doesn't matter why the Reapers kill everyone every 50,000 years (what years are these anyway..), all I need to do to survive is stop them. With ME3 in mind, I guess he's right. And for a laugh. Cause it's IGN.
  6. Aw, cute, he's trying to be hard again. Anyway, in theory Karzai's responsible for the actions of an Afghan soldier, and it's believable that the soldier wasn't a Taliban infiltrator.
  7. I wonder how Shepard could survive, the Citadel does seem like it explodes. But, as you said, anything is possible. Edit : Never mind, it doesn't blow up in every ending.
  8. I do miss our old place had a tiny gym in the basement of the building, nothing fancy but was easy to go down there and do 20 minutes on a bike or something light. Right now my immediate plan is just cut down on the sugar and try to walk home from farther out on my streetcar ride (much easier in daylight with summer coming as I have to walk under an overpass or through some somewhat sketchy areas to do so, heh)
  9. Should be interesting to see what the UI improvements are
  10. Borderlands 2 to have special PC features such as... LAN, Vsync and high resolutions! Glad they have them, but kinda sad that that's something they're crowing about.
  11. Replaying Mass Effect, not going to rush it like I did in preparation for ME2. Combat is taking some getting used to, after the later two games. I must say I do like the soundtrack a lot better, bit more subtle than ME 2 or 3's at times.
  12. Why not, Karzai's government and the US aren't hostile to one another. The US should definitely cut Karzai's throat before leaving, when they do.
  13. See, they're Shivans!
  14. I appretiate it when I'm not treated like some god who has to know everything. How long have they been reaping? Who cares? They've been at it long enough to give you shivers. The difference between "millions" and "2 million" won't make a difference. Well I don't really need to know everything, but we don't really get much of anything
  15. I only saw some guy's summary over there, heh. Yeah looks like the Indoctrination Theory is dead. Maybe we can just hope they'll explain the Normandy sequence at least. (This is denial, I'm guessing). This is a head shaker for me, it does work for you to not know everything, but in a game where you're just some grunt or something similar - best example is FS2. Shame, really.
  16. Metacritic ? Feh, useless.
  17. Their man Kuchera did similar earlier, went off on people not liking it just because it wasn't happy and you don't end up with the LI. Rather than it being muddled with the bizarre bit with the Normandy - Ashley and Liara got off it but they were with me in London - or just lacking detail (I was expecting some long conversation with Harbinger - who again is pretty useless as an antagonist).
  18. Well just beat it. Nice touch to talk to Jack, Samara, et al during the battle in London. Even forewarned, the bit with the Normandy crashing has me puzzled. Game was a good romp though
  19. That desperation makes it funny.
  20. This is an amusing take on things from the Bioware boards
  21. You only need one, no ?
  22. Even more reason to hate them
  23. At this point, probably would be the best, even with the flak they'll rightly catch for that. As for Bioware being unable to see their error and this is the fan's fault. Ehh, they're smart and sane people right ? Wonder if that indoctrination attempt theory is true.
  24. So I guess we get the conclusion as DLC sometime in the future then, heh. Could see that attitude in their handling of somethings in TOR, as well, criticism is all haters, etc.
  25. Hm, might pay for that.
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