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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=PutMIeIhX4o Playthrough of a mission in Absolution. 13 kills and an SA rating ? Weird.
  2. More Gabriel Knight 2, almost makes me want to visit Munich.
  3. Well with the restrictions on the free accounts why wouldn't you ?
  4. I did laugh at the picture of him wearing Judgment armour
  5. Well, meant the point in the overall story of the trilogy - maybe finding out about the 'how to kill Reapers' would have been a better goal in ME2. Granted, memory is a bit fuzzy on what exactly the plan with the Collectors' reaper baby was, so I might be mistaken. There were a lot of people who didn't have everyone survive the mission ? They must have been trying to do that, it's pretty easy to get everyone alive.
  6. Looking back at the trilogy, I'm not sure I got the point of ME2.
  7. Pft, I don't need to let loose. Drinking with my coworkers is a bad idea as well, they keep choosing super expensive places. Place they went to tonight was charging $7.50 for a can of Guiness..$8.75 for a pint of Heineken
  8. Best thing I've seen all day. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EQhuE3b_GBU Of course, that means today was pretty sucky.
  9. I wonder if I'm missing on something as a non-drinker and someone that's never been drunk
  10. Still pushing along in GK2. FMV goofiness aside, is a fun story to go through.
  11. Be sure to pack some weapons as well.
  12. I should join a gym, these dire prognostications from my doctors are getting old. Really miss the old condo, had a tiny gym downstairs. Can't even walk very far with this busted foot too, but that's temporary.
  13. Oh come now, it's not that bad. Grace being shrill to Gerde does get a bit painful, though.
  14. Well Civ 4 game is done, pretty much, Persia's been broken so badly all of her vassals are breaking free (and promptly being slaughtered by me). Nothing like an unprovoked war of agression, heh, kind of funny to see what a bad state the ME is now, no roads, size 22 cities are now size 1 or 2 Moving on to GK2 now, preparing for some awesome acting.
  15. Time & gas, obviously Although I doubt you're spending $50 on gas to the store unless you drive a Canyonero Office Christmas party location got picked, so am planning logistics of getting there and home needlessly a month in advance. Also should meet my University buddy again soon, but am loathing hearing him complain about being single or all the Chinese girls he finds are snobby princesses. Trying to convince him that he should just be happy being single, but that's a losing game, heh
  16. Figured there'd be at least a couple of infantry people here, they can have nerdy interests too, after all. I still laugh at the memory of a Marine in Basra talking to the press and he has 'Shai-hulud' on his helmet.
  17. Meh, not giving me any hope. People who have played about a third of it, somehow, are saying on reddit that the review is inaccurate. But then again, that's the average reddit plebe, so who knows.
  18. Hm, Hitman Absolution got a harsh review from PCG apparently. http://www.gameranx.com/updates/id/10682/article/hitman-absolution-is-a-mess-gets-torn-apart-in-pc-gamer-review/
  19. Hopefully, Miranda's ass will be even more high detail.
  20. That's probably how they see it. Odd to see NY, NJ and Oregon there, heh. You guys could probably let Florida go, with no big loss, no?
  21. Wonder if this is old news, but - Talks about BIS near the end of his time, etc. That channel has a fair amount of interviews with developers, too.
  22. Can't say I've ever felt I missed out games due to not bothering with a console since my Genesis, probably due to my narrow tastes in games though - stuff like the JPRGs never appealed to me that much.
  23. Well Civ 4 game is getting interesting, heh, judging by the demographics screen this war with Persia has cost him 7 million soldiers, the middle east is a cauldron of death. Used to read 'histories' of people's Civ 2 games long ago, should have written one for this.
  24. Tis all in good fun. Also I suspect the original comment was a joke
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