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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Sure they did. Based on an unreliable 'report' a while back.
  2. SupCom FA with friends. Is rather funny how we complement each other's weaknesses but yet still fall short against cheating AI of all things - one techs too much, with no army, the other techs steadily but has defensive weaknesses and I tech far too slowly but turtle well. AIx is a lot better than BAI for TA though, doesn't attack in a constant stream and is a bastard with T3 bombers and nukes.
  3. Well, hope you guys continue to cope with it. Want today to be over with, myself.
  4. Hm, didn't see any mention of disowning in the initial letter, just seemed more of a note on how his wife is annoying. And if this has been on for 10 years, I'm sure there's more to it than what was in that letter or we've been told. *shrug*
  5. Well, witty condescension aside, they shoot bullets at things. Or if you listen to one guy, provide a source of political power.
  6. Bit much to call his dad a lousy person on this account, no ?
  7. Would expect that over a SoS not the SoD, but oh well. At best, one can hope for Israel to be on a leash and not get any more violent than, say, last year.
  8. 30 years ? I'd miss colour monitors and Sound Blasters The array method is nice, if you're using numbers for the selections. For some reason I started thinking that we'd make a Day object that has a MenuList object that has a list of Food objects...then I forgot why I was doing it that way. OO-wankery I suppose.
  9. Enjoy the cauldron of death Greece turns into when you have to fight the Brutii. Must have lost about 6 or 7 entire legions there the last time I played.
  10. First 5 day work week in a month, really got used to 4 and 3 day weeks. Seems everyone else took the last 2 weeks off too, roads were crowded on the way in.
  11. Also missed that Takedown game, nice idea to try to go back to SWAT4/RVS somewhat. Those pirate RPGs sound interesting as well.
  12. I am. So many days waking up at 8 am to watch these matches is stressing. Also, never ever get a player's name on the shirt for that reason. Well ok I got Rosicky as his skill with the ball is amazing.
  13. Heh, forgot that other XCOM game was still going. Looking forward to some of those adventure games - HeXit looks like it might be cool but is vaporware I suppose.
  14. Slept in, missed the FA Cup match but largely I don't think I missed much. Passion for backing my team is waning, well that and I'm losing my discipline of sleeping in early on Fridays or Saturdays before a match. Rather annoying weekend around the house too, washing machine is busted and we've giant icicles of doom hanging over our front steps, they melt and drop water on steps which then make them dangerous.
  15. Finally, now Canadians can stop whining about this. And Leafs fans can go back to being dumb sheep.
  16. Hm, I dunno I could see that as a vote winner for some, a lot of them made a big to-do over them supporting their recognition from the UN recently (although I suppose that was easy and free PR given what that got them). But yeah, you're right though. Funny analogy with the police but really other states don't care as long as you're not killing too many of others (even then it can just be an excuse to stomp you for some other reason)
  17. Ah I saw it on the front page for $4.49, turns out that was a glitch
  18. Should be able to get 17 hours out of the game, so I'd say yes.
  19. Does make sense though, those being attacked by rockets will like to hear a party promising to stomp heads of those firing them. I'm surprised the EU doesn't to sanction Israel somehow if they really care about this.
  20. Wake up on the wrong side of the bed? Nah, just arguing with my dad on the ride into work about a teacher's labour issue this morning. Or most mornings, rather fun to argue
  21. Discovered rage works better than caffeine for waking me up.
  22. Like so many sentences, there is room for improving on it (said the guy, who is about as romantic as a block of concrete) Pah, being romantic is a waste of time.
  23. Heh, apologizing for this not being in the game sooner.
  24. That seems really low for two weeks. Then again it is Civ V
  25. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=iCjZuj3NmR4
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