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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Congratulations, hope it leads somewhere.
  2. Not enough roids.
  3. Well, heh, good for you. As for citizens not wanting their nation to go waste money bombing some other country, that's hardly surprising unless that country is actively threatening them.
  4. Playing Tiny Tina's DLC with friends, rolled 19 on a chest and got two sweet, sweet SMGs. I do like how they change the map on the fly, so to speak, as Tina's flip flops a lot. Not as gratingly annoying as I thought and I guess one theme is her dealing with Roland dying.
  5. Well considering the sources that are saying it was obviously him, you have to be somewhat skeptical.
  6. Good to hear you'll keep on living, Nepenthe.
  7. Well, here we go again.
  8. What kind of point is that, exactly ?
  9. Time to watch Arsenal - Fenerbahçe, woooooo.
  10. Console trash. This is the music for Victory - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YRK3u_6R8i0 :D
  11. Categorizing them, it seems. At least he's posting on a theme. Next, oby, Belarussians.
  12. Oh well, gotta use those smilies I suppose.
  13. Taking apart a car with a sledgehammer works well. Basically just destroy something physically.
  14. Didn't see anyone actually complaining about such.
  15. It's the usual game of ask, get a BS response or a lie. Kind of like how we ask front line phone support why they want to work for us. Honestly it is because it's a job and money, but we want to hear they have a lust for the finance industry or some BS. Personally, I'd ask the Voight Kampff questions from Blade Runner.
  16. Have to love BS questions like those. The overtime one though, that'd be a bit of a flag if I was asked that. For fun, ask them about turnover. When candidates ask our interviewers here, boy do they squirm and try to spin it.
  17. No idea what an artist interview would be like. Try to remain calm and be honest in your approach to any problems they ask you to solve, works best.
  18. And there's your ground troops.
  19. There is a trend for this ?
  20. I think the US has to tread lightly when it comes to making claims related to WMDs, they had a rather fun time of last time, after all. So that's why they're not being all in about this (and they shouldn't, really, need a good compelling reason to waste their money and soldiers' lives potentially for this). Of course, say the West comes in and yet again helps some losing rebels out - don't those clowns get access to that gas ?
  21. Don't bring my hopes up.
  22. You need to widen your Internet browsing if that's the case.
  23. One reason to avoid social networking.
  24. Oh, they're going to be on you now. Brace yourself!
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