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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Well, if SJWs took over, all our games would be artsy stuff like Dear Esther or Mountain rather than anything else, heh. It is really amusing to read their Twitter accounts, is a pretty good clique.
  2. Slowly getting the Marauder's set for my DH, a clan mate has that (and every other legendary it seems...) and that 6 set bonus with Helltrapper will be awesome (turrets use hatred spenders and Helltrapper can spawn turrets, and turrets can spawn others, I think)
  3. Don't really object to them in the real world, still not concerned gaming possesses injustice especially with how prickly folk are these days. Just that in gaming at least, the SJWs always have this attitude of fall in line or be fell upon, some real loons out there - criticize Sarkeesian and then ta-da you are condoning her rape and death threats. All of that tends to get people's backs up and then nothing gets done. As for certain SJ changes, certainly didn't see Alexander mention any, other than promising a brave new future of "art" games that explore "personal experiences", heh.
  4. Doubt Russia will end up like NK, ever. India, Brazil, China are some big places that will do business with them still and other smaller countries around the world.
  5. Knew from the start the press would run with this as an oppressed woman and forget everything else, heh. Resistance to SJ issues isn't some huge bloc, you have trolls, psyschos, some people with issues with what is being presented. And Sarkeesian and Quinn are two women, not an entire ideology, it's not logical to see them getting negative responses and then determine that "oh it's resistance to change and misogyny!". After all, it's bad to label a whole group and attribute a stance to them you find convenient. A lot of resistance to SJ issues in gaming media is people never take well to being preached at.
  6. What of her points are valid ? Once you parse out all the name calling she's engaging in (go go SJW). Seems more like an attack on strawmen. Polygon also has this gem Always an easy tactic to toss your opposition into a bucket, apparently Quinn stands for love and compassion whereas anyone on her case is a child. Media
  7. Seems to be the usual construction of reality where anyone that disagrees with you is subhuman.
  8. http://www.gamasutra.com/view/news/224400/Gamers_dont_have_to_be_your_audience_Gamers_are_over.php Tasty rage.
  9. Well, they are about as peaceful as the boys on the other side of the fence. State wise. In terms of actual people, also the same, both sets aren't violent nutcases, heh.
  10. Nah it isn't over for Canada at least. Apparently that map left Kalinigrad out as a part of Russia, but no one knows much about exclaves.
  11. Yet another contribution by the yapping chihuahua that is Canada.
  12. Ah yeah - http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/08/28/us-ukraine-crisis-invasion-polyakova-idUSKBN0GS14K20140828 So looks like it is on then.
  13. Highest score? Really? Well, yes, EMS is the score of the game.
  14. Apparently Russia's begun a 'full scale' invasion, but not much source on that other than some NATO official claiming 1000 troops are there.
  15. Would be funny if these were faked. Especially with her asking for donations shortly after by coincidence.
  16. Don't believe I ever mentioned women and men being different, but when you decide to make a system inequal in The Right Way it is a fairly obvious concern. Women can succeed in STEM no doubt, the ones I've met can cut it perfectly fine, well, more or less anyway (in that they are about as useless as the male ones in a situation). How do you mean the system is rigged in the favour of men, exactly ? In terms of implementing this policy, that'd be a nightmare and expensive, heh.
  17. Well, didn't actually mean any of that, was more a joke on how the average person doesn't mention things like that. Pretty hard thing to counter, anyway, in this case. How exactly would a state enforce hiring of more women and at the same time not compel companies to hire subpar people ?
  18. Well the term doesn't come up that much in the real world.
  19. http://youtu.be/W6pDBXFPa_8
  20. That was worth a chuckle.
  21. Laughing at United.
  22. It is, but "equality" for some means to just get not give, in my experience. As why gender mattering, who knows, referring to yourself as a $gender $occupation does nothing but subtly align your audience into camps.
  23. Well to be fair, the contribution people talk about here is being in charge I feel - no one cares about the female tool developer rather than the female lead designer. In those cases, I feel the companies will trot them out for the marketing.
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