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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Interviewed a guy today, his attempt at an icebreaker was to laud his alma mater's superiority over mine, that was a good start
  2. I agree, Armstrong would give a creepy vibe. Like that of the undead.
  3. There'll be a mod for that.
  4. Harper's whoring for Ukrainian votes of late (would help some in Toronto, for sure)
  5. Well he was young. Speaking of prominent, Arthur Chu decides to **** a bit - http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2014/11/17/rage-against-gamergate-s-hate-machine-what-i-got-for-speaking-up.html
  6. Do the "prominent" (I guess this means loudest) members really matter that much ? Other side has Quinn, McIntosh, that freak Wu and Cheong, after all.
  7. What is the point of this conversation anyway ? Not like shirty over there is going to suddenly become pro-GG.
  8. Pretty much. Don't think TB's ever really been racist or bigoted, no ? Then again, that latter one is possible for anyone with enough adjustments
  9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DDCd_19ZRII
  10. I demand the return of text parsers.
  11. http://www.pcgamer.com/gta-5-pcs-expanded-soundtrack-revealed/ GTA 5 getting more music than initial release. Breakdown of old and new :
  12. Sadly the Man says you can't do that. Pft.
  13. One significant reason to not have kids. Well, also is the immense expense involved in maintaining them properly. I suppose it can pay off later as they can then provide you with support, but that is always a gamble.
  14. Well, it is a poll that doesn't matter. I don't think BoA or EA will be too concerned with public opinion until something like their executives being hanged in the street, heh.
  15. Awful parenting Enjoying a day off work here. Is nice to get a good sleep and breakfast for a change
  16. Still lots of WoW, almost to 100. Lots of stuff to do while levelling, I guess they borrowed a lot from GW2
  17. I thought he reviewed it without buying it. Which is surprisingly easy in many ways.
  18. Well today Serbia started military exercises with NATO called "Platinum Wolf", I guess it was their time to play. (couldn't find any English news links) US operation names are always pretty cool, shame they never went with Infinite Justice.
  19. http://www.pcgamer.com/elite-dangerous-will-no-longer-support-an-offline-mode/ Backers must be a bit annoyed.
  20. Would seem so, ah well. Wonder where all these equality crusaders came from or is it just a case of the Internet handing every random prole a megaphone, to borrow a phrase. Some of it is from useless social sciences, perhaps Generally, witch hunts are ok as long as the hunters are The Right Kind, for these people. Maybe Herbert was on to something with the closet aristocrat within
  21. Was afraid it would not be worth the money and is a glorified expansion. Deep Steam sale for that one. War of Mine sounds interesting, will nab that later on
  22. Tsk, telling a woman what to do, you misogynist. That thread is a micro aggression against women!
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