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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Molyneux got torn up by RPS -
  2. Supposed to be an FPS
  3. This is great just for the incongruity of the music
  4. Violence has picked up, funny how ceasefires always do that. But here's hoping it will last, next step is the West arming random people to fight and that's worked out quite well in recent years, heh.
  5. Molyneux has an epiphany - http://www.theguardian.com/technology/2015/feb/13/peter-molyneux-game-designer-interview-godus
  6. It's not going to last... like the other half-dozen before it... Apparently Russia sneaked 90 vehicles across the border just after it was reached. Well, so says Kiev - from their words I think Russia has about 40-50,000 troops in there now.
  7. Have any links that aren't walled?
  8. Bioware should have bought the IP.
  9. Well, doesn't seem they have much choice if technical problems arise, and their fallback isn't that terrible. So perhaps they still will fear an assault by the US or UK as much as before, anyway.
  10. Huh. Well alright.
  11. What else are forums for but arguments ?
  12. Heh, was going to mention this sounded like something felipepepe from Codex was working on when I saw the title. Gaming history, hm, well I guess it is interesting and I feel people involved in the hobby should at least be aware of some big things - a shooter fan not knowing of Carmack and Doom is just wrong to me - that affected it in some way or helped grow the industry. As for playing classic games, ideally they would be available so one could try them and see what was the fuss, though through a lens of looking back I imagine a lot must be lost. Some kid weaned on SC2 or whatever looking back to Dune 2 or WC1 might be left unimpressed.
  13. Uh huh, well it sure got you sore enough, the sulky last line is a touch. As I wrote, the games weren't dead in that you could not play them or find them if you were really that inclined. Not that it being dead in that way is all that bad anyway, mind you. And yes, it was trendy to hate on them, which is why doing it isn't a hipster thing to do...which is what I posted a while ago.
  14. http://store.steampowered.com/app/293010 M&B but with pirates
  15. Yes, well good for Obsidian and their bank account and all but this whole "they saved FO!" argument for gratitude to Bethesda is old and seems to be based on this being necessary for the good of the gaming community or something grander than that. As people have said, the games weren't 'dead' in the some way some abandonware titles are or something like that
  16. Well, you could still play FO, FO2, FO:T. Not like a game series being 'dead' is a bad thing - if we had no Fallout 3 or New Vegas, that would also be fine.
  17. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n7faUHdlh9g
  18. Well, I guess a corpse brought back is successful in any state. Giving Obsidian scraps as well is also a plus.
  19. Well until July, anyway. 5 months of 'regression', I guess.
  20. This why I laugh when they say the outsider's view of 'gamers' was ruined by gamergate. It's not as if it were in very high esteem to begin with.
  21. Mr Apathy? What crap are you on about? Bashing Bethesda is not all that uncommon, hardly a hipster thing to do. Haven't really been a big player of their games but I doubt they get flak for absolutely nothing. Sticking up for a large AAA developer is arguably the more hipster thing to do. Typing on a touch screen sure is irritating. Sheesh.
  22. I heard there was a mention of "Redchan" ?
  23. In this case, I think you're being the 'hipster' when it comes to hating on Bethesda for being a AAA garbage peddler or whatever. Isn't all that uncommon or against the grain. Also, what's hilarious about that LoL post ? Mildly amusing, half expected it to wander off into deep Troll territory though. The PA comic is about as dull as I've come to expect from them though (oh look Tycho's using a thesaurus!!)
  24. Yep, like dogs better than cats. Though one of the cats down the street brofists me (he tries to slap my fist when I hold out to him), so am not totally averse to them.
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