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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1215021703/descent-underground Descent kickstarter
  2. Not directly related, but still was rather interesting. Though it is probably old hat to everyone here.
  3. Looks like you can do that in the map editor.
  4. Arsenal beat United, so that made today nicer. Holy hell though, is United boring to watch.
  5. Dreamfall has some SJW elements, I guess that was it.
  6. Oby is Putin.
  7. Good man, still has his eyes on the cheerleaders in the last frame.
  8. Not like Sylvanas' outfit is new, so I guess it's a step not taken more than anything. She's had her midriff bare in WoW for a long time, rather odd as she's a corpse but whatever. Surprised some one would label that as "hypersexualized" though.
  9. I guess they meant to say bare midriffs but figured it was not official sounding enough.
  10. Good on her for revealing that stuff. Surprised anyone could say "Pain is weakness leaving the body" with a straight face though, worrying.
  11. Do we give cards today then?
  12. Well, you can 'get' a nation without having them fall - keeping them neatly contained and no longer a threat to you in areas, etc. Certainly can't fault someone outside the West thinking our leaders are full of crap when it comes to goodwill and deciding where to dispatch their air forces next, heh.
  13. "Aggressive" display of cleavage. Having an amusing time thinking of what that could be.
  14. http://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2015/03/tech-support-scammer-threatened-to-kill-man-when-scam-call-backfired/ Hate these people. Surprised the guy said they chop up Anglos though, was expecting rape, heh
  15. Of course you would think it was like that. Fun dealing with you people, heh, but not all discussion on it was like that before policing. Hence why it was odd. But I suppose the nature of the target may be it, industry "concern" of our times and all
  16. Still strange, that shutdown of conversation about it on some sites, where things about the same significance don't. Amusing to think "human decency" is relevant to that kind of action, heh.
  17. Do they do a good job of repelling invaders, though ? That is the true test of any fence
  18. Can't see how that is unclear - one reason to avoid metaphors like spitting acid. But nonetheless, Fighter's point was about being hounded directly or indirectly one's preference in games, or in other words you pushing your annoyance onto others. It was the main charge by defenders of stuff like Gone Home that they shouldn't be, but that cuts one way only as I said it seems to. Also, Meshugger's right, you know some one is the exact opposite of something when they say they are that thing - it's a weird thing that's fairly common in NA at least, sort of a backhanded way to be aggressive yet have that aegis to duck under.
  19. Earthen ramparts are the hip way to do fences. Today, remembered why I dislike Eclipse after being compelled to use it. Though Android Studio's not that much better.
  20. Maybe you need to brush up on your ESL classes, before you (yet again) throw a strop. Where did I say those two were the same - read the last sentence as well.
  21. Maybe not, one thing you notice on Twitter is how passive aggressive everyone is.
  22. Well, depends on the sources, some have a reputation for being mouthpieces. Don't tell me you wouldn't take a Daily Mail article as BS on the first pass, for example.
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