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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. That is just sad really on both sides.
  2. Malcador

    Hey Oby!

    There are more unlikely places for the Russian troll army to prowl. I read once they invaded a Finnish forum for mothers exchanging child-rearing tips. Hah, where did you read that? Am just skeptical as Russia is the boogeyman right now. Given that the Blue team likely does this junk too this fuss is a bit much.
  3. Will have to look up good solutions to this privilege problem.
  4. Easter Monday, rather surprised at the reduction in traffic - can't be that many government workers in my area, but there we go. Quiet day and hopefully a nice quiet commute. For my next time wasting project I'll try to get a bite of Unity and Cities modding, will have to think up something or perhaps just steal another's idea to learn it.
  5. Malcador

    Hey Oby!

    Probably consider he's not being entirely serious. He's flounced off ? I assumed he just busy with DA:I related things.
  6. Malcador

    Hey Oby!

    More likely to get shills for EA here.
  7. I dunno, Edam always seems cheesy.
  8. Weird comparison to the actual issue at hand. Guy should have submitted lyrics from a certain Aerosmith song. Good for Obsidian to make money off this, though.
  9. That bird has moves.
  10. Items get a bit more fancy with names and exceptional ones, though nothing really amazing I find. I think I will try another run through of PE, maybe with all Paladins. But for now I will play a bit of Cities here and there Also, neat, they are adding a scene in the patch for DFC where you run away from the bomb, for all the good that will do.
  11. I guess there is not enough outrage, then? Anyway, Kenyan AF has started bombing in Somalia so that is a good response. Assuming so, anyway.
  12. It should be, though I can't see it being very popular with a good chunk of them, not macho to want to calm things down with talking as opposed to some intervention with "non lethal" devices.
  13. Got a good laugh of Durance burning himself alive, Aloth went back to finish Thaos' work, Raedric turned out ok after...uh..some more purges and brutality as I sent souls to their rightful place.
  14. Hey, if Derrin knew how to use a knife...
  15. Heh, typical. But ok, that's about as much as I've gleaned is the high level of it from the screeching lots online (though some of it is this pathetic self-loathing guilt some feel for it). So many flavours of privilege out there, too, hah.
  16. Well, enlighten then. Too often it falls into a competition of the oppressed
  17. Hey, I DID warn the boy about playing with a razor sharp dagger... I did like finding Persoq. Hm, party is at level 10 and not really finding many more ways to level, guess I just built a terrible party.
  18. Inefficient use of space for that drawing, labours its point into the ground (but that is SOP online ) Not really, I've seen people use Baldwin or a remark like that seriously intending to slur a person as, well whatever he is to anti-GG people or whatever (I guess he is transmisogohomophobic)
  19. Got all of that, bar getting a chance to beat his dad up. As for edgy, amusing from you given your response and snark to me over what was a joke at the quest (I guess the emoticon wasn't a hint for you enough ?). It's a pretty standard grimdark type of quest, life in that area is bleak and the kid made a brave but stupid attempt to rescue a woman (didn't sound like he gave much thought to his assault) and went for a long swim.
  20. Sure, and you found that emotionally engaging - what, just because they toss a kid into the harbour ? Shame I spoke to his mom before wasting the guys that killed him though, seems I couldn't tell her he was avenged that way (though assuming it can be done)
  21. Never ends well being a white knight, I guess
  22. Well, they are seeing the idea as one being driven by a group of people, a cabal to be exotic and source-bookey about it. That might be true for this Patriarchy thing, but I've not seen much indicating that (well other than it being the convenient Evil of All, hah)
  23. Definitely worth the $90 the version I got retails for. Not so much the amount I donated, but I knew that would be the case.
  24. Kind of wish Cities Skylines had a day/night cycle or some way to see your city glitter at night, that and weather. Right now I suck all my water from a lake that must be infinite, so lack of rain crossed my mind. Still do not have the hang of traffic management though (this is the real design challenge of the game, I guess they can't shake CiM roots )
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