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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. I said that was bad ? Personally, people getting emotional over polygons is very weird to me, but to each their own. It doesn't bode well for people who like games as they were, newer gamers seem to be difficulty averse (remember the article a ways back about games being inaccessible to those who suck ) But someone thought it was a casual v. non casual one that she was on about, when it wasn't.
  2. Well, he wouldn't be a writer if he was not verbose. Not really sure there is a problem, games that resolve conflict in ways other than weapons do exist.
  3. More accurately: there was a description of a certain subset of gamers, there was an (arguably weird) assumption that people outside gaming equate gamers with that subset of gamers, and some readers made the (arguably weird) assumption that the description was meant to characterize all gamers/all hardcore gamers/whathaveyou. Sure, she was being very back handed about it, but I could see where the punch is, add in context of her attitudes and opinions and it isn't that unfair to her. She wasn't heralding casual gamers so much as ones wanting experiences and deep emotional content or some crap like that, if I recall.
  4. Yeah but was some weird assumptions of what the non-casual gamers are like. But then again it was written by someone who slams people as nerds when the industry was built by those, so it is of questionable worth as is she. Irony in this thread is improving!
  5. That's an impressive dodge there.
  6. http://www.pastemagazine.com/articles/2015/04/violence-is-boring-the-tedium-of-violence-as-progr.html Figure some of you might find this interesting.
  7. Some sort of irony about this post.
  8. I expect people to have some empathy and compassion. So people need to post some obvious stuff like "That's bad" in response to that, then ? Her missing the Navy SEAL meme was a bit funny, though. Just seems late to the party of Twitter abuse, it's not as if she is somehow special at this point.
  9. Liana K got a bit of hate for not having an opinion about Calgary. Reading some anti-GG sites some people really like to lay into her for trying to not be a zealot in the whole thing. GG just tends to spew bile at the other side, after all it is in their interest to be welcoming to neutrals I think, more than anti-GG who have some that really buy into this being a crusade against evil or something like that. But as with all of this, nothing fits all as none of the parties involved are really a group in a proper sense. As for Wheaton's tale of woe, that's pretty much old hat and er, what kind of 'love' are you expecting ? She doesn't read here, after all, heh.
  10. Can you see if both RAM sticks are good, in another PC or something ? Barring that that sounds like the motherboard has a fault
  11. Hm, for the latter one that tends to be an anti-GG thing, they hate people who are trying to be or seem to be neutral. Former though, it does seem that way, but again that is both sides (see above). Of course, to me it seems more like normal internet jackals rather than anything so grandiose as a hate group (maybe Mourinho can use this to label people who hate his club :lol)
  12. 980Ti is out next month it seems, late in the month though. Though I doubt that will press down 980 prices. Might as well buy my stuff now, before the CAD gets worse.
  13. http://www.gamespot.com/articles/the-witcher-3-is-an-open-world-with-no-loading-tim/1100-6426896/
  14. Oh ok, so just drones
  15. Does it involve drones and pepper spray ?
  16. Got my Crusader up to 720 k dps and 16 MM toughness. Still can only doe T3 though, bah.
  17. Well, I suppose you could say that is true, laws are for arseholes as they are aimed chiefly at behaviour of said group. That would be stretching the 'for' a bit beyond the commonly understood usage though.
  18. I'd heard Vigo was in the game. I guess the best ending will get you all 3, heh. Triss is trying to help you get back your memory, so that's a mark in her column - she is Yennefer's friend after all.
  19. Well it is, at least the people I think he's referring to. Not everyone is who concerned with social issues is a SJW, after all.
  20. Damn kids running around like headless chickens in the grocery stores today. Almost ran one over, but he was wearing a Chelsea shirt so it would have been justified.
  21. Take a census of the people asking and their date of joining, I think that after PoE the average IQ of these forums fell down. No offense to anyone. Yeah, not sure about that method.
  22. It is? We learned Canadian boring history and then stuff like Ancient Civ and then Western history from 1700 to 1914 or so. Not much on social stuff though, in grand sum of things. I guess they focused on more interesting topics ?
  23. Seriously? Please provide a google maps (or similar) link. This I gotta see. Pass. I did make a mistake, she's the roundabout that seperates MLK and Ghandi. Our word for road is weg. If you want to put in the effort to search it up for yourself, go ahead, but posting a link to my hometown gets a bit too personal on the internet for me. I've no interest in giving GG or especially their opponents more information about me so they can contact my employers and try to get me fired. Yeah that must be it, I can't think otherwise just as I do. You assume she is common knowledge around the world which does not seem likely when thinking on it, and then base that on your experience. As for his remark, heh, you really can't see why that counterblow was tried?
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