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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Yep, why I didn't bother waiting (also had waited 6 months at that point so..). I may want to move up to 1440p some time, but space availability makes that not likely.
  2. Kind of a let down after Velen and Novigrad, quest line there is pretty short and the sidequests aren't all that grand for the most part. Is a fairly scenic region though.
  3. Figures, just after I bought a 980 (ok, it's $200 cheaper than the Ti here)
  4. Is it a problem if they're not there, though ? And practically - What kinds are needed ? and how many of them is acceptable ? what kind of role do they need to have for the game to not be 'problematic' ? \ Oh wait, this is 'faux shoehorning' concern according to Moosa and his ilk Which is a cheap dodge that doesn't want to think further down the line.
  5. Memory is shot, forget how she betrayed Ciri to the Lodge, but I know she did, heh. (Flipping around for this kind of thing is a weakness of ebooks) In game I thought she never told him about Yennefer - though that'd be an odd conversation to an amnesiac. Yen's ok in W3, but they play up the snarkiness a bit too much, she does boss Geralt around in the books but not to the abusive degree she does in quests here. You do get to tell her off a lot in Kaer Morhen as she is pretty much irritating everyone there. Huh, apparently there's a NG+ playthrough, or at least they left fragments of one in the game
  6. I....I agree. That has to be the first time. Polygon is gonna Polygon as usual: Bollywood cannot be Bollywood by the same logic. What problem would be fixed by this exactly? Oh never mind, it is whining by that Moosa fool. Yeah non whites are shown the door by Witcher 3.
  7. Hopefully we can get power armour for the dog.
  8. That was a funny quest with Lambert.
  9. There's one involving her, rather short, you get it from Roche after a part of the Whoreson line.
  10. Hm, might be interesting to watch to see what is so objectionable. Point for the sensationalist tile of the link, though. I guess it does depend on Russia 1's nature, CBC here is a state owned network but it's not too tightly held.
  11. 4) Nudie mods.
  12. He's slimmed down, I'm sure we can squeeze him in.
  13. Hopefully Platini doesn't run, he's bent as well and the optics of this scandal and with the Euros throwing a tantrum only to replace him with the UEFA head aren't good. Guess Ali will run again, though he's pretty suspect as well.
  14. Sure, as long as everyone else who put up bribes in those votes is excluded from the re-vote.
  15. Yeah, appearance of change. I guess Africa and Asia should feel somewhat apprehensive. Heh.
  16. Does it really change anything ?
  17. Stiller, Myers and Sandler all deserve to be sent to a labour camp.
  18. Police have detectives for a reason, I guess.
  19. Shocking. Probably do need consequences, but I think the court was saying you need more evidence than just someone saying it is threatening. Throwing people in jail is serious business, right.
  20. Hopefully, the Brotherhood of Steel returns.
  21. And from the other side... - http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/the-switch/wp/2015/06/02/the-supreme-court-just-made-the-web-even-more-hostile-for-women/ Not too sure why it makes the Internet unsafe for women rather than everyone.
  22. Don't think it was a quote, but from the reports on them being Nazis, the fuss when the trailer came out you certainly get the sense they were trying to convey that. Sure got their comment sections moving. Also, that was a great preview at Polygon, was he trying to be witty ?
  23. The King quest in Skellige had a shocking twist, end was a bit too convenient.
  24. I might get it, can be fun to slaughter people after work.
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