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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. In between healing idiots in WoW, have an urge to play a Mechwarrior game - have MW4 Mercs, so I am trying to get that working in Win 8 as well as returning to MWO.
  2. Ahh ok, I see. Well that is a shame, stupid Wrath babies.
  3. http://www.nasa.gov/press-release/nasa-kepler-mission-discovers-bigger-older-cousin-to-earth Earth like exoplanet
  4. Really ? Never heard of cynics ending up serial killers. Not sure their evil is so potent that their Wikipedia articles can make mad killers of people. Besides American Psycho would have done that to me already (pretty funny movie, actually).
  5. Cataclysm was the peak of difficulty ? I had thought TBC was in terms of how hard the Heroics were. Granted I quit Cataclysm before 5.2 even dropped so I am missing out on stuff. Hopefully Thrall dies next expansion
  6. Wasn't reading books, clicked on a silly YouTube video of photos with creepy back stories and came across it that way. Not sure what ill can come of me being cynical and reading about these demented folk.
  7. Read a bit about serial killers, wish I hadn't real Dean Corll's story as that was pretty messed up - the photo of his unidentified victim is also pretty disturbing. Same thing with Ben Rhoades and his photo of one of his victims, no gore or anything but just watching a terrified person. Ah, the stuff I my curiosity exposes me to.
  8. People are going to lap that up.
  9. Wonder what kind of deal would placate the "This is Munich 2.0 crowd".
  10. 1982, or so, no ?
  11. Well, if this person is speaking to me, I move on in that I just don't bother with them. They can flap their jaws as they like, but I would just carry on with the discussion if involves others or just ignore them if it doesn't. They are happy to carry on their crusade elsewhere and I've no obligation or interest in changing their mind, assuming that is possible. Could be very very fun, to wind people up though. Is a bit harder with race as you need to avoid sounding racist in the attempt. Is much more fun with atheists.
  12. Also to answer your question - I'd just shrug and move on, no fertile soil for discussion with that person. Might be entertaining to have an argument, mind you.
  13. Sounds like some people have an unhealthy view of the role race plays in their government.
  14. I think the marathon is the master race, myself.
  15. KOTOR 2 gets workshop support, Linux, etc. http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2015-07-21-star-wars-knights-of-the-old-republic-2-gets-a-surprise-huge-patch
  16. Roberts on SC's issues of late - https://robertsspaceindustries.com/comm-link/transmission/14839-Letter-From-The-Chairman Wouldn't be Roberts if there weren't something eyeroll inducing.
  17. Realizing that all this excessive reporting I have to do is just due to managers' inability to think all that much.
  18. Next you'll be saying there's more to Florida than white trash, angry Cubans and old folk.
  19. http://arstechnica.co.uk/security/2015/07/ashley-madison-an-dating-website-for-cheaters-gets-hacked/ Ashley Madison hacked, apparently their data is being ransomed, heh. Interesting that the site doesn't delete profiles even if the users pay the fee to do it - allegedly.
  20. Not really, just that that isn't relevant about him being a troll or not.
  21. They seem to have fixed most in Renaissance, JoWood was one of those developers that had good ideas but who sucked at the implementation. Some of the writing in this is ace though, wife says to husband before bed "Husband, it is time I fulfill my marital obligations to you"
  22. Remove anonymity, I guess.
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