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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Who is 'them', exactly, in your scenario ? Sanders being a revolutionary, I can get, but can't really see Trump doing much to change the order of things - least of all with a Congress that isn't going to dance.
  2. Can't imagine anyone on a forum making me leave, short of permanent bans anyway.
  3. Is why I change my identity every 6 years.
  4. I thought they were laywer metaphors
  5. Pft, silencing a marksman rifle.
  6. Someone needs to make this for Trump supporters Never gets old.
  7. Out of the blue, but, never would describe you as condescending in the past. I mean, considering the crowd of people here, you're not condescending.
  8. Used to get those everytime there was a Scholastic book sale at school. Apparently Jim got Liz, pft.
  9. Might seriously get The Division, first Ubisoft game I'll have bought I think Though will have to seek out more reviews to figure out what sucks about the game. Been grinding in WoW as an old buddy returned so played with him a bit and playing Tropico 5. It's not facerolly easy like 3 was for me and the dynasty mechanic is somewhat fun. Penultimo must die.
  10. Volo for 2016
  11. Never was bragging about it. It is good, it's not necessarily a wank-trigger for me like everyone else here.
  12. Oh, not denying that, but just was a bit of a reach to conclude it being a rejection of Clinton as opposed to many other reasons, for Canada it's a pretty safe bet it's the healthcare and other peace and love and hope feeling with Sanders.
  13. Be careful what you wish for, someone just almost did it. Hah, that was good.
  14. Heh, Trump might end up like George Wallace. I hope
  15. Exceedingly charitable view of people just as they live outside the US, too. Heh
  16. Ruining Syria hasn't been that bad for the US really. Took down one dude they didn't like, caused the Euros a headache, generally caused people who aren't tbeir fans some trouble as well. Trump rally today was fun. Doubt that will hurt him much, probably will help him having people shut him down.
  17. http://www.cbc.ca/news/trending/dindim-o-lindo-pinguim-1.3487668
  18. I still we get a Dandelion RPG.
  19. I still think that after the Gulf War people's view of bombing became all about accurate strikes rather than B-52s. Would be an interesting trick to demonise them to the point where just leveling Belgrade is a-okay to the average citizen at that point, kind of hard to keep that quiet. For threats of that kind,I rather like Oakley threatening Aidid in Somalia (IIRC) - in that case, wouldn't be a problem as it was a portion of the city and no one cares for Somali dead.
  20. http://www.gamespot.com/articles/witcher-3-dev-teases-new-game-for-2016-another-aaa/1100-6435527/?ftag=GSS-05-10aaa0a CDPR putting new game out in 2016
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