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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Had intended the reply to be general, my mistake. Always knew there was something dodgy about you...turns out I was half right
  2. Interesting. I wasn't talking about her psychology - would be rather amusing to do so based on the information we have here, but hardly would be a shock, heh. Kind of funny that neocons would strongly consider voting for her though - article does paint it strongly as lesser evil rather than some sort of positive alignment. Was curious what Wolfowitz was up to these days, came across this - http://www.jpost.com/Israel-News/ADL-Farrakhan-praises-Trump-for-refusing-Jewish-campaign-donors-446553 And they say Trump is racist.
  3. David Duke isn't a corpse though or someone who was notable sufficient time ago to excuse ignorance of their stances. If it had been him with Wallace I could kind of get it.
  4. If only he'd shoot himself.
  5. Don't think she has authority over the military enough to 'use' it. At least she probably won't surround herself with devils like GWB did with Clark, Cheney, Wolfowitz, Rumsfeld.
  6. Dang, I quickly guessed you were the dude kneeling on the left. Marine on the right is a giant. Speaking of camo, apparently wearing some sort of pseudo-ACU pattern is in fashion here, weird.
  7. Nahh, stay and fight to change. That and Canadians are largely all ****, passive aggressive ****, yes. But ****.
  8. Because, well, it's not a bad day https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8CPlF-IEkXQ
  9. Also some drama with Spintires - https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2016/03/02/spintires-sabotage-timebombs/ Not the first time, apparently - http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2016-02-24-the-bumpy-road-of-spintires-development
  10. ME Andromeda now due for 2017
  11. It was great out last night, snow was falling and very little wind. Was a bit cold to go for a walk, though. Snow was powder so was an easy shovelling job - neighbour woke up and did our steps and sidewalk (we normally do each others if we can - he works nights so that's how it goes).
  12. Rather disappointing that that doesn't concern you.
  13. Trump extolling the virtues of Qatar and other ME places for their infrastructure. Hah
  14. Does Putin strike you as a sociopath? And why should they be glad at Gaddafi being killed, what has he done to the US (that they haven't returned several times over by killing his grandchildren in strikes on his palace) other than refuse to obey? Was an old target from the Cold War and involved in supporting terrorist groups abroad, no? Powers have long memories. As for Putin..maybe. As I said you have to have that kind of mentality to be a leader of a big power.
  15. Eh, maybe, but is a fool's gamble that his crap won't carry over after the election - by then it's too late to do much. Legally, anyway, heh. Yeah, rememberd it was about Gaddafi and not Bin Laden. Can understand at that level she or the US government being glad at him being offed, the one liner is beneath her though. Suppose one has to be a sociopath at some level when in the US State Dept (or just a major diplomat in general )
  16. Well the wall, general attitude when dealing with opposition, personal manner. Foreign wise, did hear he wants countries to pay the US for protection, that was an interesting one - guess it's time to go all in for Empire Edit : whoops that was about Gaddafi, wasn't it, d'oh.
  17. Sounds the same here, we get 1 cm of snow and the city falls to chaos. We're due for 30 cm, so it will be hell
  18. What'd she do that was so vile, exactly ? Trump is still worse than she is, he's a high class prole.
  19. Because Jordan is the same way! If you only get half the point of it.
  20. I want one, but only if I can WFH. I do rather enjoy clearing snow, odd I suppose and probably due to me not having to clear more than 20 feet
  21. Sure, if 'Iranian' was only the description of their race and not also one for their countrymen/government (people do this a lot, I'm sure you've come across people talking badly about "Americans" or "Russians" in the same vein), I guess that would be similar to your 'Jews' example. Reaching a bit far to jab her with racism with that, to be honest. A minor part of your post, but was one that made me raise an eyebrow.
  22. Wait, how is that racist ? Clear to me she means Iranians as in their state not every single one in existence.
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