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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. http://www.latimes.com/world/europe/la-fg-germany-refugees-20160301-story.html Doesn't mesh well with the headline, heh, shock.
  2. Well, garage door spring broke overnight, that was fun. Can't lift it to get the car out (I am sure it's just a strength issue, but is what it is) so today's commute was fun - coincided with a major transit outage as well. And to top it off, big snowstorm coming tonight.
  3. Shame we can't beat him like one.
  4. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-northern-ireland-35688401?SThisFB
  5. http://www.dw.com/en/merkel-i-have-no-plan-b-on-migrant-crisis-strategy/a-19081119 Well, at least she's honest.
  6. Because of party, hatred of opposition would be chief ones. Other ones are down policy lines.
  7. Probably 30 million or so, just a WAG based on last year's numbers. http://variety.com/2015/tv/ratings/oscar-ratings-abc-telecast-down-10-in-overnights-to-four-year-low-1201439543/
  8. Finished off Hearts of Stone for Witcher 3, that was a fun little story. Tricky boss fights for me, Caretaker was the easiest of them for me - well I guess the Wraith was fairly simple as well. Now that that is done, on to Tropico 5. So far so good - isn't faceroll easy like Tropico 3.
  9. Sounds like millenials need to invest in better alarm clocks from that
  10. The distinction there is probably that they consider it freedom not to have to pay for others' health care as they would have to under a single payer system. I'm not aware of any single payer health care system where there isn't also a parallel private system which people can choose to use if they wish to so they can still choose to see the 'best' doctors under our system here or get elective surgery or whatever else; they can still get the special doctors and special treatment if they are willing to pay for it. Canada forbids private health care from the same service the public one does. Guess the idea is that the public one will lose talent due to money.
  11. I want there to be a PPV event where we watch him get waterboarded.
  12. Probably would be Sarah Palin again.
  13. They both seem a fit for each other, loud douchebags.
  14. Police use de-escalation techniques ?
  15. http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1190630 A WW1 shooter. The Battlefield theme done in a contemporary fashion would be something.
  16. Hah, not that I am aware of but yeah I can see someone being offended over those terms.
  17. Listening to these 'bro' conversations at work certainly is something new. Never thought I'd hear so much talk about strip clubs and banging coworkers at work So glad it is Friday though.
  18. Recall a similar fuss about Master/Slave terminology in electronics.
  19. This debate is good comedy.
  20. House Master sounds like a 90s DJ.
  21. Matters not, for in the end, we all are oby.
  22. Well, step one would be getting their password.
  23. http://www.bbc.com/news/education-35659685 At first I thought this would affect stuff like an M.Sc or M.A. But not that bad
  24. Well, you have to clean the monsters
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