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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. What damage are you referring to?
  2. Does anyone really need to know for sure? Good for a chuckle though when you hear commentators talk about stripping east german athletes of records for their 'obvious' doping. She never failed a doping test (her retirement was... unusual though) but then neither, technically, did Lance Armstrong. And on the leaks themselves, it's always heart warming and inspiring how many top athletes overcome the odds of having severe asthma, ADHD and the like to achieve greatness in their chosen field. I hope it was just down to FloJo being a mutant. Something cool about her being the outlier in the records. I think they have retested her samples even after her death but who knows. It is nice to see asthmatics do well in sports. Nasty ailment in severe cases.
  3. Alone at work so I was blasting this and singing along
  4. /not sure if serious. Here in the Midwest we have entire seasons dedicate to killing stuff. Deer, various fowl, maybe bear too but I cant remember. I personally don't sport hunt because I don't like killing stuff. That's different from traveling to another continent just to go kill an animal in what I assume is not a great challenge.
  5. Well, killing stuff for some BS sense of adventure or thrill doesn't have to target endangered life. Waste is waste.
  6. Forget where I read it but was a theory that people believe in conspiracies in order to make sense of events. A conspiracy is order when the event is something chaotic and random, which is more frightening. Not always applicable mind you.
  7. All I remember of FF8 was the demo and being bored by the long cinematics for spells.
  8. Maybe one day they will find out the truth about FloJo.
  9. Almost thought you were Chilean How come? There is a big "Germany" under my name. :> Well normally people mention Chile as the other 9/11. And hey immigration is a thing
  10. Am shocked Powell has a dim view of Rummy
  11. In the name of Kaine.
  12. And people always saying this stuff wasn't political.
  13. Hm maybe. Illidan looks like he'll be Kerrigan a la SC2. Still don't see why people like him as a character.
  14. Illidan is Kerrigan.
  15. Yep but I guess they had to get back to the Legion after TBC. Some of the new fluff is boring power creep type stuff with Void Lords (not quite Chaos Gods) being the real baddies off stage. Some of the fun writing in WoW has been the quests rather than the overall plot, at least for what one expects with a MMORPGs platform
  16. I've enjoyed most of the zones. Though being a fantasy crack supplier in Suramar is kind of funny.
  17. http://www.mmo-champion.com/content/5966-Chris-Metzen-Leaving-Blizzard-Chris-Metzen-Leaving-Blizzard - Metzen leaving Blizzard, that is a surprise
  18. Hanging out there, the clientele there in the big subreddits are people too soft for 4chan, teenagers that think they're being badass by being edgy or sheep that get caught up in hype. r/politics is also laughably naive when it comes to the world (I guess it suits the suburban white guy stereotype, that way). Not seeing the entire subreddit speaking out against her, in any case, most of the threads are about her health issue - talk about useless moderators...- and have Trump tools or supporters there, I guess.
  19. Full of shills man.
  20. How weird to mention Reddit as an indication of anything with that userbase it has
  21. This dude agrees: That comment section makes my head hurt
  22. Wait, who is he and how does he know that ? Kind of weird to say the story changes when it comes to an illness, heh. Ah, people.
  23. That is the best time
  24. I still find it funny people expected steel beams had to melt.
  25. Almost thought you were Chilean
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