Attacking another's candidates base support is basic strategy in politics. Which is something that also Trump does. It is strategy that aims to associate people that general public or certain demographic don't like with other candidate, so that they will have higher threshold to vote that other candidate, which makes it easier to lure them to vote yourself. It isn't nice strategy, but politics and politicians rarely are nice.
Thanks for broading the definition into something that borderlines that it is not.
Bit rich when you consider how Trump behaves like a low level forum troll. Certainly are a lot of trash backing Trump watching his rallies, but not sure of the percentage
Uh-huh. But have you seen him call Hillary supporters with any modern labels? Point being, Hillary is playing the game badly.
Who knows given how he runs his mouth. Not sure she may be playing all that badly. Not like the group she insulted is up for grabs and there are people she can try to spook using the idea that a man willing to entreat with meshback racists is a Bad Thing.
Certainly isn't wrong, maybe 20% though.