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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Pathetic casual. But Jedi Knight would be more fun, I loved the level design in that game
  2. Doubt they're going to have much success with that.
  3. That would be an amusing twist to everything.
  4. Prigozhin killed in an air crash, jet apparently shot down ? https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-66599733 Hm
  5. Slipstream 5000. Fun little game, on Hard it is annoying to just blasted into ineffectiveness by the AI. Although I did win the tournament in the end - the last race they all seem to give up or something.
  6. Maybe am blind, but not noticing all that much of an improvement.
  7. US has a strong history of doing that sort of thing though, so wouldn't fault people for at least having some US involvement cross their mind. Although I guess the fact it wasn't a total failure is a sign of little US involvement.
  8. Probably could also get foreign volunteers if needed. Ground crew, not so much I guess.
  9. They are getting a mine clearing equipment in the gifts, no ?
  10. What would a non-homicidal bomber be, exactly, I wonder ? Interesting it was a quadcopter strike, I guess Ukrainian special forces at play. As Bernard would say, it's one of those irregular verbs. I have collateral damage, you murder, he's a war criminal.
  11. Finished There Is No Game. Was okay, even if the humour does get rather worn in many cases. I did not like the act riffing on how terrible free to play games, was annoying as it stayed too long, I get F2P games suck, hence why I wasn't playing one. Also unskippable dialogues where the narrator summarizes what I did with surprise or other lines I can read rather than listen to are a negative.
  12. Via craptastic translation of https://www.nrc.nl/nieuws/2023/08/20/oekraineblog-20-augutus-a4172323 "Ukraine has been explicitly asking the West for months for modern fighter planes, and found in the Netherlands a great advocate of that move. According to Rutte, the Netherlands has 42 F-16s that had to be replaced by F-35s next year. They will largely go to Ukraine, now that the US has given permission for it. The date of delivery has not yet been determined. Almost half of the F-16s are not yet operational, according to the Ministry of Defense. Ukrainian pilots also have to learn how to control the modern fighter plane. In all probability, the announcement of Rutte will not have any consequences on the battleground until 2024 in the early 2024." I read some things saying 18 are not operational. https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/ukraine-f16-fighter-jets-netherlands-denmark-1.6941863 Ah. 19, over time too. Luckily for them they can trot out : they're fighting an existential war then Russia did it first then lastly, it wasn't as bad as what Russia did.
  13. And now a hurricane on its way to California ? Weird.
  14. Is funny to send an email with an explanation, be told in a small group that I am wrong. Then see that person forward my email to a larger group and be told he's correct. Good thing my soul died long ago.
  15. https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/first-ship-use-ukraines-corridor-arrives-istanbul-reuters-witness-2023-08-18/ Well, that bodes well ?
  16. Was going to say, that's modern gaming for you, but realized that it's pretty much always been that way.
  17. Hah, I remember Spoony reviewing that, back when his lunacy wasn't exposed
  18. Should work with Lancets and such, although not sure that's really much of a threat to a Challenger. Is funny to see it praised as ingenuity, even on something as invulnerable as that, heh. When the Abrams show up that will be interesting to see
  19. The English overreact so much when they have any success, here's hoping the Spanish can do it.
  20. https://kyivindependent.com/media-senior-nato-official-suggests-ukraine-could-exchange-territory-for-nato-membership/ DOA idea. Good for one thing, winding up all the Ukrainian REMF hawks like Podolyak.
  21. I'd just read American Prometheus
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