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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. I suppose some value in the old saying “It is not those who can inflict the most but those who can endure the most who will conquer.", at least for Leningrad. Didn't recall the casualties being that skewed in Berlin, although you would expect the defender to get the advantage. Right.
  2. https://www.skysports.com/cricket/news/12123/13002483/cricket-world-cup-glenn-maxwell-heroics-leads-australia-to-semi-finals-with-historic-win-over-afghanistan Most impressive
  3. Poor Zelensky had wanted to go to Israel to steal some of the spotlight but that got cancelled due to a "leak".
  4. I'm only as good as the last thing I checked Stack Overflow was That could work, going to a colossal pain in the ass to do that, probably batches.
  5. Pretty sure the filtering will also take a while. Big problem in the query is th CPU and I/O cost being mental. We have this practice of just making tables and never pruning them. The table in question is holding data I'm not sure anyone cares about past 6 months, much less 3 years.
  6. Proved myself a master of SQL optimization by realizing joining on a table of 1 billion rows isn't smart in SQL Server. Always a good sign when my SSMS crashes running a select count(1) on a table.
  7. 3 expansions announced at BlizzCon this year, going to have an improved cadence so I guess that's WoW set until 2030.
  8. "Israel has a right to defend itself" is becoming a mantra.
  9. Given how unattached I am to my cell phone, landline is more convenient as I'll leave the phone in a room upstairs and miss calls if they do occur. Land lines used to have the advantage of working through local blackouts but that's gone since we've moved to VOIP.
  10. That'll come after the advanced technology. Although did see some Slava Ukraini types online demanding nukes for Ukraine. Not sure they thought that through.
  11. Danger 5 is an interesting show, not sure how I came across it on Youtube.
  12. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/nov/01/lindsey-graham-israel-hamas-war-civilian-casualties Graham is really something else.
  13. Sign of times when crazy dude on the corner wasn't preaching but was screaming unit phrases from Starcraft.
  14. I dunno, I think being a white collar worker is a lot scarier to kids than a devil. Well or it should be.
  15. Zaluzhnyi on what Ukraine needs - https://www.economist.com/by-invitation/2023/11/01/the-commander-in-chief-of-ukraines-armed-forces-on-what-he-needs-to-beat-russia Just seems like "everything" to be honest - drones, artillery, mine clearing equipment and reserves.
  16. Thankfully no kids passed by, we used to get some real dumb ones that didn't understand a shut gat and exterior lights off meant we weren't participating.
  17. "and the relevant authorities must find out which people in President Zelenskyy's inner circle do not believe Ukraine will win the war." Better responses from people on Twitter, I found, the author of the article is Russian and therefore is inherently evil. Western armed briagdes back into the fray in Avdiivka I guess.
  18. Will be some interesting, if not amusing, UNSC meetings if they do that.
  19. The people that died probably cheered on Hamas, so no biggie.
  20. Maybe Israel did learn from Ukraine's marketing, some dude on MSNBC saying that if Hamas isn't stopped they'll come for the rest of us. Really not buying that, but have to admire the attempt
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