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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. I am guessing 2 years after RDR's release. Seems like a ridiculous complaint. Then again is Sterling.
  2. https://www.pcgamer.com/red-dead-redemption-2-will-have-online-multiplayer-like-gta-online/ And it'll be the sluggish, monetized to hell wasteland that is GTA Online too
  3. Good luck to them!
  4. Apparently Goldman Sachs is predicting Overwatch expansion and Diablo 4 at Blizzcon this year. But that is probably them feeding off talk on places like Reddit, as there is very likely something Diablo related coming at Blizzcon. Diablo 4 with loot boxes, somehow
  5. There's lots, they just changed their name
  6. Noticed the squad mates in one Delta Force mission were Mother and Preacher. Wonder if someone went on to work on Medal of Honor. Not a bad game, really is the precursor to Modern Warfare style. Finally started up Phantom Doctrine as well, but only done one mission so far.
  7. I'm still annoyed they bought the Freespace IP for $7500.
  8. https://variety.com/2018/gaming/news/brian-fargo-wants-to-buy-back-interplay-1202944111/ Wonder how much Interplay costs.
  9. https://np.reddit.com/r/gifs/comments/9grkcj/cannon_baaaaaaaallllll/e66vynx/ Somewhat funny description of what it's like to be in an AAV-P7/A1 from a US Marine
  10. Opening the coke bottle with a chainsaw was pretty good.
  11. More proof the Pyramids were made by aliens.
  12. Well, hope the loot box phenomenon can endure. Wonder what they'll switch to if they can't do that - maybe just put oppressive progression schemes on everything
  13. https://www.pcgamer.com/the-making-of-total-annihilation/ Light background on making of TA
  14. Florida Man also lives in Florida
  15. https://mobile.twitter.com/zackkanter/status/1036793140286390273?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwgr%5E373939313b73706563696669635f73706f7274735f616374696f6e&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fd-2601289179979460617.ampproject.net%2F1536865149181%2Fframe.html Well based on my experience....that's apt
  16. Good thing I hung out with Glaswegians, then.
  17. Well hope it doesn't turn out to be a job you hate after 2 to 3 months.
  18. Come now, meshback, you can do better than that, surely. Beginning to see why everyone says the DF series has some terrible AI, stood in front of one enemy and he didn't engage. Oddly reminiscent of Op Flashpoint Red River
  19. Guess I will have to look around more, on the face of it one would think Serbia would have to be run by unstable people to be the agressor against A-H or at least I would think so. You're right about Eastern Front not being focused on even though it is more interesting as the Wikipedia article states - Oh great, just remembered Nov 11 is soon...going to be more crowing about Vimy in Canada
  20. https://www.wired.com/story/weather-channel-hurricane-florence-storm-surge-graphic/
  21. I suppose this is where one such member would come in and say: "Never trust someone who puts Skyrim and Dragon Quest in the same sentence" Or "Never trust someone who can't tell the difference of their and they're and use capitalization. hurhur" Where is that person anyway? The one who always finds something to argue about, forgot his name. He disappeared right before I became a member. Hmmm... Maybe you're off your medication. Still killing tonnes of Somalis in Delta Force BHD. Man, wonder how they got so mauled up in the Battle of Mogadishu with such supermen But does scratch the itch to shoot something as Overwatch has become too tedious (and I'm 1100 or so due to family induced match abandoning)
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