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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Is vague enough about the actions though, you can read it that they spend effort talking back decisions they feel (and very well could be) bonkers. Which should be as it is, one would expect one's staff to use their brains rather than be drones. The bit about meetings veer off course was pretty funny - sounds like what I have to go through weekly with clients
  2. POTUS is an Emperor to some these days.
  3. Warfronts in WoW are a bit underwhelming, is cool to run around the zone farming rares and so forth, got some nice shoulders off a world boss.
  4. First thought was recalling YM/YPM and the way the civil service manages the elected officials
  5. Bet it's Sanders
  6. Soldiers get leave, no ?
  7. Reminds me of Alex Jones theorizing that Rose was put in TLJ to prepare people for Asian dominance, or something
  8. https://www.theguardian.com/football/2018/sep/05/david-beckham-mls-soccer-team-name-inter-miami Name is a bit ridiculous, but I'm sure some Americans will get overly upset about it
  9. It's funny that they slept through the appalling conditions nike products are produced in but when the kneeling football man does an ad they lose their ****. Priorities I guess. Can't expect too much from uniform worshippers
  10. Took my wiener dog for a walk so he could ogle and chase women, literally does that. Strange dog.
  11. Well, there was plenty of "outrage" over that Even got a mention in Parliament - https://www.parliament.uk/edm/1999-00/792
  12. Hard to believe people will think that a US organization and US scientists, engineers and pilots (Paperclip folk aside ) - which I imagine the movie isn't leaving out, even if it's an Armstrong biopic - did something and it's not an American achievement.
  13. Keanu would have been better.
  14. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/china-kindergarten-pole-dance-back-to-school-ceremony-principal-sacked-shenzhen/ "Is the principal an idiot?" Yep.
  15. Pretty sure that most people know it was an American achievement and if the movie's chronicling Armstrong's life that'll be obvious as well, so not really seeing the damage done by omitting it. A movie about Iwo Jima isn't going to be harmed or somehow revisionist to leave out either of the flag raising as how significant is that to the battle ? People saying the movie does show the flag on the moon's surface in many shots so, if true, it's even more of a non issue.
  16. To be fair his talent is just kicking a ball around
  17. http://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/2018/09/03/buzz-aldrin-slams-first-man-movie-controversy-posts-photos-us-flag-on-moon-with-proud-to-be-american-hashtag.amp.html Apparently the flag planting not being shown is a problem. Is an amusing one, but still one.
  18. "Kidd had been the director of the James Joyce Research Center, a suite of offices on the campus of Boston University dedicated to the study of “Ulysses,” " ....so no real wonder he ended up talking to pigeons.
  19. Well that is sort of his point, it's presenting a generic outfit and someone claims its made to fit (I always wanted to use that from Dune )
  20. Well life's not meant to be easy Besides, I didn't find their comments that judgmental - they seem to be explaining the benefits of staying.
  21. Eh, maybe, it's pretty hard to lose a pet and watch it but at the same time the decision is meant to be for the pet not you so I think the owners owe it to the pet to be there until they cross that line.
  22. https://www.pcgamer.com/anthems-conversation-system-allows-for-two-dialogue-choices Well they do have a point about players being not used to this kind of interaction
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