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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Well Diablo wasn't in the same series as Planescape, so not sure how it's like that. Still, glad all the DLCs get released onto a hard copy. Really hate this DLC thing.
  2. Yeah, EMI was a bit of a let-down - that Monkey Kombat was a very poor idea and the story was a bit meh (Ozzy instead of LeChuck, pffft) but nothing worth giving it the Highlander II treatement I really love CMI's art style too
  3. There are 4, I'm not sure how well they'll behave on XP/Vista, but Curse of Monkey Island and Monkey Islands 1 & 2 should work with SCUMMVM and that works with Vista. Escape from Monkey Island (the 4th) can't run under SCUMM but it might work under Vista.
  4. Woo Alien abduction, well it'll amuse some I guess. The swamp one sounds intriguing, I'd be tempted to give it a try - maybe when all the DLCs are released on a hard copy.
  5. Wonder who they'll rip off this time I kid mostly, it'll be interesting to see what they do although I'm not a huge fan of them. Tired of MMOGs these days.
  6. Well it could work without VATS, put in reticule spread like DX or R6 and your skill affects how quickly it contracts after aim-shifting, spreads during bursts of fire (likewise, sway when using a scope). I'm not expecting VATS to disappear, wouldn't be a huge crisis if it were to.
  7. I found the previous games had it alright, the sidequests as they were and a non-urgent main quest ( I think on my first playthrough of FO2, I took 12 in-game years to finish it) . The MQ can't be optional, I guess that was just the wrong term used, without it there's not really a plot or a focus to the game. As Crashgirl said, too many sidequests and everything feels disjointed (especially if those quests are really isolated from the rest of the game world).
  8. Civ 4 games sure take a lot out of you. Guess I'm too old for those 18 hour marathon Civ game sessions. Now I play Forged Alliance, ah a true strategy game.
  9. I'm pretty sure that would have panned out to be COD4 : In Iraq, if it's still even going, doubt there'll ever be a game like GR 1. Was more about sneaking araound, commiting rapid acts of violence and more sneaking, rather than the non-stop action people seem to want these days. I don't like regenerating health either - was most displeased to see Rainbow Six Vegas 2 have it - but it fits the arcadey shooter COD is.
  10. Meh terribly overrated series. COD 4 had some fun bits, I liked the War Pig levels and the Chernobyl one but other than that it was pretty ho-hum. It'd be cool see a urban combat game with the same realism that GR 1 had.
  11. He's right though. The project is still pretty nebulous, so not much to talk about - other than what they should do with F:NV, but that's pretty irrelevant in the end result. Expect FO3 but in a different city, that's about all I figure.
  12. It's not arguing about realism, just how it fits in the setting. Or that versimilitude word I've seen used more time w.r.t. Fallout than any other topic (I guess I need to read more )
  13. Well it bothered the hell out of me when I first heard of it and saw it. Doubt people are making it seeing how useless the DC area survivors are they're probably leftover military gear - which again makes no sense as the Army in Fallout has Power Armour, plasma and laser waeponry, so what do they need a nuke that seems barely able to take out a building ? It is a setting breaker for sure, I forget who pointed it out to me but it's a nice irony in Fallout that nukes are the tools that save the PA world, in the latest one - no such luck. Pretty clear what crowd they were appealing to with it, after all.
  14. Yeah, if the weapon was impractically powerful it'd make some sort of sense. Speaking of nukes and fallout, I still find it odd how...small the radiation zone from the Megaton nuke is (mind you, that nuke seemed just enough to take out the town).
  15. Eh, I think they can "get away" with it - not that putting a religious group in is improper, and I've a sneaking suspicion Obsidian have some smarts whenit comes to that. I'd hope people, if they were already so inclined, would rather have a problem with the over-glorification of violence - what with the slow-motion shots of 10 mm bullets decapitating people and what not.
  16. So we're not using sales as an indication. And we're not using 'professional' review sites as an indication. Let me guess: we're using your opinion as the only safe way of judging the Fallout's? Ah, zeal, always admirable but leads you astray off the path a lot. In any case, general game reviewers are just going to review the game, at best, on its merits - practically, a lot are like the English press w.r.t. football - they give the people what they want to hear. Not all game reviewers are like that, some sites are still as credible as they are, but with a deluge of lousy and bought ones, the value of an average goes down. So you shouldn't say that Fallout 3 is superior to Fallout or Fallout 2 based on metacritic, or sales - as again, that's debatable and the market's nowhere near the same (more gunshots == more hits, amazing.) As for what a 'true' Fallout is, I've no idea how you can prove that. You could come up with a set of things that are key to the originals and then judge Fallout 3's handling of that. For example, they did the presentation of a nuked wasteland decently well, but dropped the ball on interesting storylines (micro-stories aside, heh). Hah, I was wondering when you'd show up.
  17. I'm not sure about using Metacritic as any sort of judge, especially over the time periods. Reviews these days, as the industry's grown, get bought pretty easily by the hype machine.
  18. So what you are saying is all those people at NMA are totally in the wrong when they point to FO: BOS and its low sales and deem it a failure. Thanks for clearing that up Drat, and Twinkie is NMA's spokesman too.
  19. Well praise be to God, they tossed us scraps, heh.
  20. Always tell people's true intent by how they keep telling you otherwise, heh.
  21. Console gamers seem to loathe thinking, if we want to play that, heh. From what consoles have done to my beloved Ghost Recon and Rainbow Six, I can pretty much say games do get dumbed down. They have to appeal to a broad market after all.
  22. Well I wager that most of the FO3 lovers aren't from the RPG bin, I know some that adore the, uh...violent parts, play it like an FPS with stats it seems, and others that think it's GTA in a nuked city. For others, well..a starving man will go for crusty bread.
  23. Did you buy the gold edition or did the vanilla game not come with a manual? I know that my special edition came with a nice spiral bound manual. No quite as nice as Baldur's Gate 2, but certainly up there. I've been bouncing between games. I'm at the last fight in The Last Remnant, I've been playing an hour or two of Left 4 Dead with friends most nights. On top of that I'm really itching to start my Infinity Engine game marathon. I will play and finally finish them all this summer. Got the Gold Edition. Manual's on the DVD as a PDF, but, just not the same as a hardcopy one for me.
  24. Mind the shards of glass. Issue was with it being done poorly, not with it being done. But oh well.
  25. I thought that title was reserved for Kjarista :D Anyway, yeah, the crowd of people that sink endless hours into roaming around...explains the success or the consequence of MMORPGs I guess. Couldn't see myself wasting that much time for the life of me. That was nice about exploring in FO2, you ended up in all the places with at least some reason to do so. Given that those type of players -seem- to be the majority, I doubt they'd ever bother with improved story elements, what would the players care?
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