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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Matrix Revolutions. But I concur with the statement her husband is one lucky SOB
  2. Oh it's not bad at all, but I'm in need of a fiction book to read anyway. Interesting writing style too, telling a story and then notes on what he learned from it. His notion of digging in if you're hanging around in an area for more than 10 minutes seems pretty obvious nowadays with hindsight, likewise the "don't bunch up in an open field" during an artillery strike.
  3. The NFO files are sometimes very helpful, seen some that provide links to the tools needed, etc. Although it is amusing to read the comments sections and boggle at how many people are failing to RTFM.
  4. I love the squeaky voice guy that yells "Victory is ours!"
  5. Instead of working, looking up books to read. Well trying to read Infantry Attacks by Rommel right now, but figure a good fiction book will also do well to have on the go.
  6. I'm still not liking the global happiness, nor being able to adjust my tax, science, etc. spending. The finite resources is a nice touch though. Really wish that instead of doing away with the stacks you could form stacks of limited size, so you end up with a force that's linked. Also, wonder why there's no foreign trade, would be a nice addition to the diplomatic system - it could stand with some. All in all, it does remind me of Civ 3, new concepts but still in need of tweaking.
  7. Can I get your autograph ?
  8. Yeah Arenas are just garbage, the game could do without them. I really do miss the old AV, hour long struggles, using the cavalry, etc. Ah well. I'll have to avoid getting suckered back in by my friends who need healing
  9. Spent 5 years playing that. Eventually got bored. The game was kind of fun before Burning Crusade, pvp at least for my Pally. But eventually got boring even as IRC
  10. They really should make an RPG where you are a courier.
  11. Really ? I've seen lots of discussion go without flaming or trolling. Loose as those terms can be, you can define trolling as someone making a snide joke about the subject matter as trolling if you try hard enough. All in all, just text on a screen so HTFU
  12. But it's good to let people act like a jerk, sure beats enforced politeness.
  13. Claptrap DLC, pretty fun so far.
  14. They sure can fire people that lose their cool, those people given guns and authority over people. If they can't use that power responsibly, then they should become a rent-a-cop then, no ? They want respect, well accept some tough standards of conduct. What knowitalls in this thread, anyway ? If you mean me, I've not given any directives on how to raise a kid at all. Even if I was a parent, I'd pretty much still want this cop's head, who cares how angry he is, he has a job and rules for that job.
  15. Kind of missed with that shot there, that graph's going to be hovering around zero constantly, also not indicative of much as the two variables have no relationship. Not sure why one would have to be a parent, oh a noble and arduous job it is indeed, to see that once your kids are adults, you generally aren't parenting any more. Now you're just part of the support unit, rather than being their leader and teacher. Worrying about them as much as you do when they're kids - so far my informal survey is about 50/50 on that, so who knows maybe that's expected even if not sensible.
  16. Need to make a graph of time spent parenting vs age of child.
  17. If she's worrying about you as much she did when you were growing up, then she's got a problem, I think. Volourn did say that outside of moral support, your job's done as a parent.
  18. Maybe when they're 19 or something. By the time they cross 25, no real need to fret over them as much as you would when they were 6. They've finished basic, so to speak, and have joined the ranks of regular folk. But in any case, this is irrelevant. If the cop was PO"d over his daughter sleeping with the guy, obviously he didn't instill that value in her, anyway. He may not be a bad parent in the "whip them with an extension cord" sort (slapping is better), but looking at this, not going to call him a mediocre one.
  19. By then you're in a light advisory role, they're no longer dependent on you to teach them the key things (if you haven't at that point or if it didn't take, well then they're screwed a bit), provide for them, guard them (funny quote by Mohiam in Dune about this.), etc.
  20. Heh, I missed this. "There isn't a department handbook that tells you what to do as a parent." - There's a very good reason there isn't. You really don't have a lifetime of being a parent ahead of you though, assuming you live past your kids reaching adulthood anyway, then they're on their own feet.
  21. Anybody planning on giving Deathwatch a whirl ? You get to be SM's! woo.
  22. It can be dismissed when it's put into the context of him having the reaction when he's a cop. Off duty, out of uniform and not using police hardware - a regular old private citizen then him yelling at a kid would be nothing significant. Calling someone a hooligan is an insult in a lot of places, that and the general tone of condescension as your opponents don't have kids.
  23. Damn, my evil plan to make some of you suffer has failed. The movie is somewhat comedic at times, the tattoo artist having a book of Norse mythology handy, the "Get the C4!" line for examples. Funny how a movie based on a game that had a well laid out story could end up as such junk.
  24. It's not very serious, but a total lack of discipline and abuse of powers is displayed here. Not sure why the kid's character matters (I suppose you're ok with cops acting inappropriately with the "right" kind of people, maybe ?) in appraising the cops actions, rules are rules. A suitable reprimand would indeed be termination. Stunts like this make the police force look foolish, as we have some cop handling personal BS as a policeman - if he wants to yell at the kid, get off duty, change then do it. Is really funny how the daughter is seen as a victim of something here, heh, needing to be "protected" and the boy is some villainous creature in all this. Guy didn't rape his daughter, after all. I guess the cop's rage also comes from the fact he failed in the parenting bit as well.
  25. Whoops my mistake. Well then, time to burn Arabia to the ground.
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