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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Missed my point. Have they given any hint on what the theme for DX3 will be ? Discussions a while back seemed to lean towards something new and not a remix of the original one. Kind of funny how that worked out, Spector hated it, apparently.
  2. What was F3's theme, anyway ?
  3. His "Welcome To Fyrestone" track from Borderlands was pretty cool as well. The fact that he did 2 tracks for the game made me like it roughly 40% more.
  4. It'd be fun to have a raid in which we lose, lore-wise.
  5. Hm, no I think Nazjatar and Azshara is in the next expansion, said that at Blizzcon or something, I think. Also, shame to hear that Staghlem was a bad guy after all. Must be a result of all the whiny "he was rude to me!" people.
  6. None of the super baddies in WoW are all that interesting. Only Azshara and Sargeras really left, but yeah if they kill Sargeras, those PCs are the new gods, hehe.
  7. Chills ? Really ? I wonder after they kill Deathwing, who's next ?
  8. heh I know the feeling, it wears off fast, though Give it maybe 8 hours of play.
  9. Interesting way for him to suit up, the tidal wave hitting BB was pretty cool. Usual Blizzard fare.
  10. That review was slightly less useful than anything out of IGN.
  11. The hook is your friend.
  12. You sir, have excellent taste. I liked SupCom & FA's soundtracks too, just one example - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x8X2HZgLrtU...feature=related
  13. Level scaling ? **** yes! Interesting that he says "how you level up", so your opponents match your chosen specialty or something along those lines ?
  14. Quite a difference is not a minor difference.
  15. The three playthroughs I did of DA really didn't vary all that much re: origin
  16. They are trying to butter up the "old" fans, got Spector onside too. But still useless to say you'll be doing X when the alternative is just stupid to do. Also, never too early to hate on a game. Best course is to hate anything up until you get decent feedback to the contrary
  17. Here I was expecting them to say the original was meaningless and they spit on it.
  18. I've seen people turned off by it on other forums. BS reasoning, but, these are gamers.
  19. Really poor launch (marred by server instability, apparent bugs), continued server or service trouble. Could also be non-tangible things like poor combat or bad class design that makes it "unfun" to play a certain role, etc.
  20. Ok, how about : It's made by Bioware. Most people are clueless brand lemmings so that should do it.
  21. Epic, cinematic story coupled with tight, slick immersive gameplay creating a rich, deep experience for the user.
  22. For your first question : Nope. One doesn't lead to the other. And besides I have guinea pig friends that will run out and get this that I can use for feedback. Only the 360 version leaked apparently, no PC version out in the wild yet.
  23. Pft Grim Fandango needs no sequel . LA did have some pretty awesome developers though, Holland, Schafer, Gresko and the dude behind DF2, even Stemmle and Clark. They should make a sequel to X-Wing Alliance though. Anton Azzameen must pay!
  24. Still on the fence.
  25. Might be worth it for 2-3 months to see all the new stuff, reading the wiki pretty seeing some cool changes to some zones, like Westfall, Blasted Lands. Sometimes I wish I'd been on an RP server, hah.
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