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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Well, it'd be a shame if it didn't They got rid of the cards at least (well drawn though).
  2. Heh, is kind of funny. The mention of the idea not dying is a bit of a clue for that. Was going to finally get Castles II as well.
  3. DNF's marketing succeeded greatly then.
  4. Well he did do Rainbow Six Vegas. Too early, and too thin to say that about DX3, yet.
  5. What you don't like the epic music and the emotive, brilliant lines of dialogue ?
  6. I'm surprised there's a market for those. Well, a little. Always file sharing anyway.
  7. Yeah that was exciting as hell!
  8. Well, you can always play as a normal human, several billion of those (Ork might be fun, hm).
  9. The 40k setting. Please.
  10. How can they make it MORE actioney, anyway ?
  11. Gyah, that close up on his face is disconcerting.
  12. But they have such bad teeth.
  13. Ah ok, yeah thought you meant the TT game. Actually, I should try to find some DW minis, might be fun to have in our sessions (whenever that starts).
  14. Nope, PnP RPG. Book's been "Shipping Soon" for almost a month now.
  15. Deathwatch. *shakes fist* Everyone in my group is going Space Wolves, I'm going to be the DA Apothecary, so should be interesting
  16. Caesar IV is good, hard to find thought, I guess. The Guild 2 is ok, the amount of micro can get insane and the game will get boring once you get a system that clicks, but it can be pretty fun up to that point.
  17. Going to need a new arrow from that quiver, soon.
  18. Malcador


    The Dragon Book, ah I love compilers. Other than that, reading On War. A bit chewy at times, but it's interesting.
  19. You could stand to be more evil in KOTOR.
  20. Come now, game developers aren't that greedy
  21. Got the urge to play Freespace 2. The lack of info you get in the story is kind of cool, fits with your character just being a fighter pilot.
  22. Well it did separate your skill from the character a bit - re: weapons...and hm, about all actually (lockpicking, hacking, electronics could count but no player skill there).
  23. Not that funny when they're screaming for that image. I prefer to label it a "shooter with dialogue".
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