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Everything posted by Malcador

  1. Fallout 3's moment of stepping out into the sunlight was cool, seeing that nice open space of things to explore (little did I know it meant fighting zombies in tunnels), but other than that the beginning wasn't that special. I was most disappointed that I couldn't kill Amata after doing her father in.
  2. Spent 3 hours in the ER with my dad. Interesting folk on a Saturday night/Sunday morning. Two teenage guys talking about how their testicles were hurting them and how they feared it was cancer in the summer. One dude punched a window and sliced his hand up. Another young lady bashed her head trying to do a chinup on those door-mounted bars. Lastly some girl came in with alcohol poisoning, her friend turned out to be an Arsenal fan so that helped pass the time And all of this to diagnose him with something like the flu (given past illnesses, the flu can very well kill him so that's why we hit the ER late at night).
  3. Pretty sure most of you have heard of them, but I'm late to the party.
  4. So far the quests are somewhat interesting, Vash'j is a bit annoying moving from one ragtag outpost to another. The story for each zone flows well too, better than the old zones. My only complaint is that the only plate I get is STR/STAM with crit and parry...which I don't need. Bah
  5. Doesn't seem there's much basis to be optimistic. Although a game that would get a genuine emotional response would be something.
  6. What's the joke ? Hm, I dunno maybe the entire post ? I'm not really in his head, but I did chuckle a bit reading his post.
  7. You should stop. Clearly, you're not very good at them. You people have crappy senses of humour.
  8. A depressing end game from Bioware? Never. If I put 100 hours into a game series, I expect a happy ending. I'd really be ticked off by anything else. I'd like an ending like that, you don't always win. Outside of the game, I'd also like the endless complaining by people depressed by the ending.
  9. Here's hoping he's Neo trying to be Batman
  10. Jesus, 200 hours ?!
  11. Hm, that actually looks pretty good. But then again, hard to judge it's good if the character is setup for a demo.
  12. Actually he had made those statements back in September, when Assange was still out and about.
  13. Hope that isn't NV related
  14. I took that 'l' for a 't' there.
  15. Fair point, my mistake. So I guess he does have something to be all angsty about, course he could just go with the hate and destroy those that took his arms with those sweet mechanical arms they gave him. It's like irony, man.
  16. True enough, emotions are a silly thing sometimes, heh, guess looking at it too rationally. Hopefully he doesn't end up whining too much about it though.
  17. At the point he has no arms, so that sucks yes but getting mechanical prostheses is still a good thing as it's better than the only alternative. Also Caliban's point seemed to be more along the lines of being able to dispense death easily in CQC and punch through walls is kind of a cool thing to have.
  18. It's not ideal, but it's still pretty good as at that point it's binary.
  19. No addons, and my machine 'appears' to be clean. My password really was a joke, any disappointment I have over my stuff is tempered by my anger at my idiocy. 4 character dictionary word ?! Grah!
  20. Well I got the ISK back, but guy sold off all my BS's. While annoying, still have the funds to replace the two I need for mission running. And besides, it'll be fun to work my way up again. Put a query in about getting my ships back - sans equipment - (the transaction log pretty shows what he/she sold), but doubt they will. Serves me right for using such a weak password though.
  21. That's the tragic aspect, duh.
  22. EVE Online account got hacked, so rather than working I'm trying to figure out how I can log on from here to see what damage was done. Looks like he sold most of my ships, hmph.
  23. Putin needs to star in an action movie.
  24. Wasn't that ME2 ?
  25. See, man, that's hardcore.
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