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Everything posted by vault_overseer

  1. True, but they did say
  2. Just finished it last night. I really don't think that the next game will be all set in the future, because they did . I do imagine there would be more future sequences though.
  3. Ahhh, the crazy ass hindus
  4. Just like the rumor last year said...
  5. Your mom. There, I said it.
  6. AC2 at home, MOTB and Planescape at work(though I barely have time)
  7. And he nailed it once again.
  8. Is this a serious question?
  9. I played it a bit and got bored with it quickly, but now, playing AC2, I'm really contemplating pausing that and going back to play a quick run through AC1 - some story elements really do fly over my head.
  10. I just got out of Florence, love it so far. Side quests are bit too Dan Brown, though.
  11. Two characters, Soap and that american marine. The story was very solid, if you bothered to pay attention.
  12. Yeah, I didn't see the future in the new one, but I was told the guy can actually fight now.
  13. Yeah, I thought it was a fun story driven shooter
  14. Well, the first MW made a lot more sense.
  15. Got to see it last night, so far looks really awesome - a lot of stuff to do, no mandatory repeating missions(viewpoints still exist though), voice-overs are great, story looks promising and the game is gorgeous.
  16. Ok, I played it little more and have to say that the story is pants-on-head retarded.
  17. I just can't get into this game:(
  18. Played it last night. The story is much worse than in the first one, the gameplay is intense and explosive(hello Michael Bay). Shooter of the year I guess, if not goty.
  19. I always thought the same and that's why I hesitated going to the doctor or taking meds, but the truth is, I do have deep problems that caused me to get into all kinds of problems and burn all kinds of bridges. I completely wasted almost 10 years of my life battling with my mind. Now, that I'm on the meds, I realize that what happened with me wasn't just bad behavior or rebellion, it was my very own "Dark Passenger" and I'm glad to finally have control over it. I think that we have made huge progress in understanding human psychology/psychiatry and that we are using this knowledge to save people from screwing up as much as I have. The biggest problem is figuring out when the problem is innate or created by the fear and knowledge of these disorders. So I think we are over-aware of these "problems of the mind" and that knowledge is screwing with us, thus creating huge spikes of new cases of the "current" disease.
  20. TW may not be horror enough to be seriously considered dark fantasy, but it's pretty much the most low fantasy crpg there is. We could argue, do you have time?
  21. http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/User_blog:Au...V13_screenshots Ausir is awesome
  22. The latest episode was great, especially the poker scene.
  23. Unfortunately I don't have many choices. After living with unmedicated bipolar for over 7 years, I'm pretty drained. It's gonna be a long time before I have the will to manage it myself again(and I'm not sure I'd even want to do that now).
  24. Thanks, Captain. Mind your cape.
  25. Well, I thought it would be all "dark, gritty and mature" because of the whole zomg elf slavery /zomg thing, but so far it's been kinda lame and predictable. I guess I'll play a dwarf next.
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