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About Hallacson

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    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator

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    who knows?
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  • Interests
    dentistry, studying, drawing, reading, writing, watching, criticizing (not in bad way though), taking care of younger siblings, playing cRPG's

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  1. It's not perfect but at least usable, or at least I am planning to use it on my closest future playrough. Hope you like it Here it is:
  2. Was working on this picture, not originally mine of course. Just did some minor changes here and there in order to create my dream cool cipher guy but stuck at watercolour part. If anyone can help, I would be grateful. By the way this is the original art if anyones interested: Edit: Altarnate portrait (again, not an original artwork just a modified version) if anybody can help I much appriciate it. -> https://imgur.com/a/EmipKyg
  3. @Bosmer Yes I play on PC and I heard about Community Patch but I usually enjoy playing vanilla. And for the Soulblade, while the advantages are great; having -5 starting focus really is a really bad disadvantage since Cipher starts with 7 focus and can have max of 30 in PoE2 unlike 1. So I am still not sure with Soulblade. Begulier on the other hand has a disadvantage that can be negated easily, you just have to attack flanked targets, which a Cipher with party does %90 of time anyway. So yeah I am not sure but I may try Begulier/Assassin, I just have to be careful not to get hit often.
  4. Decided to try a dual wield cipher, thought multiclassing it with a rouge and creating a begulier/assasin or begulier/vanilla rouge. They obviously have great synergy, begulier and rouge but with assasin? I cannot decide, mainly because I don't believe having an increased stealth attack won't help me much since imstead entering into stealth and repositioning my character then doing a an enhanced attack, I can use all that time attacking and using my spells. Which is arguably a better way to deal damage to the enemy party. Also taking %15 more damage is a big deal but nearly everyone were saying otherwise in the other threads I read, so I am a bit confused.
  5. Can someone give a hand for this nice potantial portrait. With some ship and a sea at the background I think it looks really cool.
  6. You can easily avoid all ship battles and board if its necessary. But since their loot is good and your crew's morale force you, my advice is always with the boarding.
  7. I don't know. But I don't think so, try to reload.
  8. A Little Hint: Especially the companions who has a relationship with any faction, could leave your party permanently. In this case, if you do 'bad things' to a Vailian or a Vailian Corporation while you have her in the party; Pallegina may leave. Of course you need to find her first. And pay attention which save you have uploaded, the characters who died in the first game will not return.
  9. Hello and thank you everyone. I know replying your comments now is a bit awkward. But I wanted to share it. I chose the cat form. As a druid, my main character is an aoe caster. And while my perception, int, wise bonuses strengthen my spells, the cat form provides action speed with almost no time. With this I am only wait for casting times and I don't need any of dexterity bonuses. I can definitely say this combo is really useful.
  10. Hi. I played the PoE in normal difficulty and most of my playtrough a bit challenging. But in PoED, even I choose the veteran diffculty; It's strangely easy. The battles are still satisfying, but defenitly easier than previous game. Is it just me, or it's a general idea?
  11. XP is really important as you expect. My advice? Finish quests and gain XP as more as you can. There are tough bosses like Sky Dragon, Counclehut, Adra Dragon and of course final boss. Recommended levels are in order of: 10, 13, 13, 11. Since WM increases your level cap, you can only become 16.
  12. I already played and finished the first PoE. But in my playtrough, Kana died -somehow- early. And I didn't care him, cuz my party did not need a chanter. Even I like his personality, I don't know anything about his story. So, I am curious about him and his background. And his relationship with Maia -his sister in the second game- is a mystery to me. All answers are welcome. Thank you all.
  13. About that... I have already downoaded community patch with vortex. But it seems, its for an older version of game. I tried but it gave me a crash
  14. Thanks. I think perception with cat would be great. As I saw, the missing posibility during combats are higher than the PoE. So, with succesful hits, cat may become the best.
  15. I have finished the PoE, and at the first game my toughts about druid was "meh". What about the PoED? I'm planning to go druid, but I cant decide which form I should pick up. What are your suggestions? Please write down every pros, cons for each form
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