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Everything posted by Kimaka

  1. Anaïs Catarina Magistrelli Left home to become one of the greatest artists of all time. Sadly, the plebes outside of her hometown were not any more respectful of her obvious talents than the ones in Old Vailia. Forced to find a new community that would understand her art, she began traveling with a caravan for shelter during the journey.
  2. All I want is a cat. I have every other animal, but no cat.
  3. I've been obsessed with Tab lately, so that. Need to get some asparagus to munch on and resist buying candy.
  4. After backing it, I ignored all backer updates. I didn't start paying attention again until the beta and didn't get on the hype train until last week when it was announced that PoE was gold.
  5. I am aware that that a bad game could have been the outcome. I was just outlining what backers got over non-backers since some people were acting like being a non-backer was 100% better than being one since they could pre-load before us. When I backed Obsidian, I expected them to try to make a game without being held down by a publisher. That is what they have done. I did not expect to play the game earlier than non-backers because that is not something they promised.
  6. I was referring to the digital rewards since those are the ones non-backers can opt to get along with the game.
  7. Never did I expect to be so thoroughly entertained before the game came out.
  8. What Backers get: Cheaper game and, if picked a higher tier, access to extras at a cheaper price Exclusive in-game items Being part of the development and having our input taken into consideration Access to the beta Buying the expansion at a cheaper price What Non-Backers get: Ability to pre-load a couple of hours earlier than backers and then unlocking the game at the same time Would it be nice to have the key right now? Yes, but this is just making a mountain out of a mole hill.
  9. Those are just digital extras such as the soundtrack, ringtones, the documentary, etc. Depending on your backer level, you may already be getting those.
  10. Uh, what? Backers are getting the full game.
  11. Yeah, this will all be forgotten once the keys go up today.
  12. Awesome, now everyone read the manual and stop refreshing so the site won't go down once the keys hit.
  13. But I'm a very important Kickstarter investor who literally saved Obsidian from destruction.
  14. I don't know, seems like a reasonable expectation to me. But seriously, I'm happy that it is doing so well before release and hope that it will have long legs like D:OS.
  15. I name my characters within the naming conventions of where they're from and their race. Right now, I'm using the wiki as a guide to try to come up with a name for my character. Her name is Antha which is something I came up with on the fly for use in the beta. I want to transform that name to make it sound more Italian unless I find a name I really like. I don't usually pick a name based upon their meaning, but just something that sounds right for that character.
  16. Yeah, the non-standard fantasy races are particularly hard to find. When I tried searching for Godlike, they were either too human or too alien. I didn't bother with Orlan because I knew I would just get a bunch of furry pics.
  17. Maybe if they had a more dignified pet such as a nice obedient cat, they wouldn't be looked down on!
  18. No respectable establishment should allow bears and deers. Hooligans.
  19. Nope. I don't get the stink over this since they never promised early access nor hinted that there would be one. Backers already get perks that non-backers get.
  20. Funny how fast things get around. That is a picture I modified (not draw, wish I could) for use in PoE. She is going to be a Vailian Cipher. I have some other portraits here: http://imgur.com/a/Gok09
  21. Backers aren't entitled to a refund if the project creator has shown that they made an effort to make the project sucessful or explained where the funds went. A refund is only one of the ways the creator can satisfy their obligation to their backers should they fail to finish the project.
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