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Everything posted by Nightshape

  1. Why not start with yourself? Having to share a planet with all these countries sucks Actually, I thought I'd start with you! Easier and fits with my self serving attitude.
  2. I'm sick of this "save the planet" bull. What they really mean is "save humanity", and frankly my only feeling on this topic is, f**k humanity, we deserve to die, we're a virus with shoe's and if we can't agree to stop being retarded then f**k us.
  3. 2012 seems reasonable. We're only just starting to get the best from PS3 exclusives, this generation of consoles were always going to be the most challenging in terms of logical shift for programmers. Going from single to multi-core processors has taken a while, The 360 is an amazing machine, but that's beginning to peak in regards to what people are pushing it to do, there is a little more it is likely to be able to do yet. The PS3 is a funny beast, takes alot of work to get the best from it, which is why exclusive's tend to perform better than multiplatform machines. Regardless, my prediction is that we're likely to see the end of optical media, either this next coming generation, or the one after. Down with retail.
  4. Indeed Krezack, you're a prententious git, this thread prooves as much. *unzips pants* mine is 17.5 gigs. I don't have all my steam stuff installed. I feel inadequette.
  5. how do you like it? there's not much to do here, especially now thats its so god damn cold. I like it actually, it's relaxed, slow pace, everythings about evenly matched in price as it would be in the Guildford/London area. People are very friendly and responding well to my ignorance of the Finnish language by speaking to me in English, which I like because Finnish is a damn complicated language much as with Estonian, but I can speak very very basic Estonian. I don't see how it's all that different to any other place in regards of stuff to do, the craft market is nice, and there is a rock club round the corner from the Hotel, and pleanty of places to eat. I love cold weather, I respond to it in the same way most folk do the heat. The most exciting thing in Guildford was the strip club, that's now a Casino. I hate London, so don't expect me to have anything nice to say about that hellhole. I could happily live in Helsinki and work for a Finnish based games company like Remedy. So basically, yeah, I like it here.
  6. Ooooo is this a willie waving thread! MINES BIGGER! *WAVE* *WAVE*
  7. I'm hunting trolls in Helsinki, I'm going to track down Purkake when I go to Estonia on Tuesday... I hate Trolls THAT much
  8. I think I was misunderstood a little when I said, Uncharted and Uncharted 2 were worth getting a PS3 for, there are other reason's obviously, but the experience of those two games has to me justified my purchase. That is not to say that I'd recommend running out and getting a PS3 for those games alone, that would be lunacy. Uncharted currently without a doubt managed to deliver 3 things which I enjoied. 1./ A PS3 game with gunplay using a cover system. The gunplay in Uncharted 1 + 2 is in my opinion, better than any other game which employs this style of gunplay, GoW may have been the first, but Uncharted makes it readable, fun, and functional. Where Gear's is about filling an enemy's face with a clip(something i deplore actually), Uncharted avoids that an makes the experience alot more class and skill based, Ahh super armoured guy, needs a few well placed headshots, ah that guy will die with a single headshot or three pistol shots etc... 2./ Cinematic semi-interactive story which is well written. The writing is on par with your general hollywood movie (so it's crap, but exceptional for a game). The game flow is nice, you're in and out of cutscene's or commiting actions during cutscene's. It's well done, and I believe that Naughty Dog have built some excellent technology. I've not experienced any other game which have achieve'd this in such an elegant fashion (Maybe God of War...). 3./ Nice readable platformig, and puzzles. Makes for some nice pacing so you don't get sick of the gunplay. I'm sure I shall play other PS3 exculsives which will justify this.... Meanwhile... I'm playing Alien Breed : Evolution now, a good friend of mine worked on it (Tom Mejias), and I'm a long time fan of the franchise in general (one of the reason's I got into games development in the first place... I started early ). Anyroad, next year, an awesome project I've been working on for AGES is going to be announced .
  9. That made me sad... I saw nothing that perked my interest at all... *cries* I have fallen from grace, I am no longer a member of the PC master race... Or... That list sucks balls like a $10 hooker addicted to meth.
  10. Although I own myself a PS3 and think it's a terrific concole, I only consider MGS4 to be a must-have in that list. Uncharted, while entertaining, is not the kind of game I'd get a PS3 for. What I'm really looking forward however are HEAVY RAIN and AGENT. That's where the PS3 will shine. The thing is MGS 4 is more an interactive movie than a game. Don't get me wrong I like it, but that doesn't mean it's worth having a PS3 for. It took me a very long time to actually convince myself to get a PS3, on paper, it's the weaker machine, funnily enough I have found myself using it more than my X-Box 360 of late. Uncharted is an excellent exclusive franchise. The problem is it's generic looking PC.
  11. Uncharted and Uncharted 2... Really solid PS3 gaming experience, seriously... Worth getting a PS3 for.
  12. Damnit, foiled again... I admit it, I was just being a general idiot troll. On a more serious note. I wish you'd finished your mod too, if only because I genuinely wanted to see the result, and it could have been fun. Looks to me like you fell into the horrible pit called "feature creep", though I'm not sure a decently write, well plotted mod is truly game design, surely its more story telling, which some may percieve to be a design dicipline considering the complex web of some interactive story's. Perhaps you should finish it Volo, or use a different engine to finish it... It would be interesting to see. Did you think of doing it in small episodic chunks? That said, the very reason I said you'd be hell to work with has more to do with, feature creep, changing one's mind etc... Get's very expensive, to add a new feature can cause terrible things to happen, so alot of designers are actually doing some of their job absolutely blind. Good guess work based on experience, though with a mature set of tools it's far easier to achieve some results quicker. Someone like Peter Molyneux, for example, really did occasionally make design decisions to the media opposed to his design team, and then turn round and expect it to happen, no worries... Ya know?
  13. I'm so glad Volo isn't a real world game designer. He'd be hell to work with, illogical, annoying... And probably ****.
  14. Steam... It's worth it for the deals they have, and the community stuff, I've never used direct2drive, but that has more to do with the fact that back when I looked it was US only, so I can't comment on the service. And GoG goes without saying as it's the one stop shop for anything that's old skool. I'm the kind of sad act who collects old games just incase they'll be good reference one day.
  15. Don't rub it in, I miss Yorkshire enough as it is.
  16. Funny. Real funny. I'm cooking food ya know.
  17. I used to live in Oregon, one thing I remember as always being overpriced was milk, milk was freaking expensive... :| The American's won't let me in. You can blame Feargus and co. for not sponsering me.
  18. Texture popping issue is likely related to the version of UE3 that ME used, texture popping is nasty, but related to streaming textures. On the matter of cutscene direction, I've seen worse alot more often in far bigger games, and far bigger movies/TV shows.
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