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Everything posted by Nightshape

  1. BACK IN THE CAGE! Come on, come on little fella...
  2. Yes I used to post on their old Baldur's Gate series boards and they were fine too. That's certainly going way back... I was a lurker back then.
  3. Yeeaaarp, You're bitter! Have you thought about games journalism?
  4. Of course they did, indie games are terrible. If I had paid money for some retro-platform rubbish made by some tit who thinks 'bart simpsons vs the space mutants' is the greatest game ever, Id kill myself. Couldn't have said it better myself, ****ing indie trash. Where are the real games? Uh...it isn't like a necessity to play every game ever released. If you don't want to drop a buck on a few indie games because they are crap, then why play them at all? Because he's a pretentious **** and he wants it for free.
  5. I see this as proof that QA guys really will play anything.
  6. Of course they did, indie games are terrible. If I had paid money for some retro-platform rubbish made by some tit who thinks 'bart simpsons vs the space mutants' is the greatest game ever, Id kill myself. Yeah, but you're a nortorious pirate, who tried to become a games developer (and failed). Your just bitter because you wasn't invited to be a member of the elite club, so you pirate games in a sad attempt to get your own back . How close to the truth am I?
  7. Actually, that's pretty much the situation in which I'd least object to piracy of games - if you're not sure you'd like a game, piracy is a good way to find out if it's worth buying without having to gamble your own money. Assuming, of course, that you buy it if you enjoyed it.
  8. I believe everyone pirates something to some degree at some point. I've met very few people who are truely innocent. I've done it, but I haven't copied games since I was a kid. I saw what the result was of pirating software can cause, the Amiga died, the games development industry went through a weird time, lots of lost jobs. The worst thing for me is a person who pirates a game, and then proceeds to tell the world, its buggy, and it sucks, and that they finished it and hated it. They're the ultimate wankers in my opinion.
  9. I'm not sure if this is actually the case, or if it's become that way as a part of the rationalizations of piracy. Googling the definition often comes up with someone taking property without paying for it. Why would "property" not include intellectual property. Because honestly, I've never understood why people get their panties in such a bunch when people DO refer to piracy as stealing. because they're filthy theives and they don't want to accept that they're no better than any other type of theif. It's a matter of justification of ones own actions. They know its wrong, but its okay, because its not "really stealing", etc... It's bullcrap excuses.
  10. Not really, as it doesn't take a team of 100+ people years to make currency. I'd say it is a lot closer to stealing than counterfeiting. Counterfeiting (which isn't restricted to money, by the way) is illegally imitating/producing a product. Stealing is taking it from those who have already made it. Piracy quite clearly falls in the former category. In fact, it's often grouped with counterfeit goods in studies. It's almost never grouped with theft, because the economic impact is much more comparable to that of counterfeiting than of theft. I don't give a monkey's. Piracy is unacceptable, you can dress it up however you like.
  11. Disagree immensely. You can argue that it can be improved upon (and it can), but I love that it actually exists. Blowing out chunks of wall as someone is hiding behind it is copious amounts of fun in the game. I didn't say that the design was bad, its good design, its been around for years. What I did say is the technology they're using to do this, is very poor. Swapping out a mesh under a thick particle effect sucks.
  12. Hell, who knows what the law will be, based on some geographical region. Even if it wasn't illegal, would it be right? No, because the result is that you end up with something you shouldn't own.
  13. It's stealing. No, it's not. It's copyright infringement. When you steal something, you deprive the victim of the thing itself. When you pirate something, you deprive the victim of potential profit. The two are not equivalent. Oh joy. http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/steal *sigh* You've ended up with something that doesn't belong to you, you're stealing it.... *ahem* or should I say "to appropriate (ideas, credit, words, etc.) without right or acknowledgment". I have to ask... Are you a pirate? Because you seem to think they're not equivalent.
  14. That's what I would do if I had a good enough computer, even if just for the campaign. wait you're saying that if you had a good enough computer you WOULD steal crysis 2? Piracy isn't stealing. It's like borrowing. You can tell me that when I come round to your place, eat your food, and then vomit it back up claiming I was only borrowing it.
  15. BFBC2 either had 32 player battles or 64, I can't remember. Either way, this isn't all that huge. 64 is actually twice as many as 32, so that is fairly huge. As I said, I haven't tried BC2, so I can't comment too much. But the original BC was a vastly different experience than BF2. BC2 is more like the battlefields of old, but at the end of the day, its still not quite as good. And the destruction model is pony, crap, poop, doodie, whatever you wanna call it, its freaking awful.
  16. I don't much rate Extra Credit. I felt the need to share that.
  17. Interesting, thanks to your link I also found this. Will consider these two options, but for now keyboard will be good enough. Sucks that you have to part with cash...
  18. I'm not excited for any of them really, Killzone I didn't like a single one yet, and Crysis well... I guess the PC version may be alright, but I don't think much of what I've seen/heard etc...
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