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Everything posted by Nightshape

  1. Did you just... You did, you said Bio did something... Imperfect! HURRAH! VOLO! HURRAH!
  2. The one in NWN's that I recall, is that basically if you saved at a certain point it buggered the entire savegame, it was a total game breaker. Sucked ass... really hope it isn't still around, I had it 3 times in that first week in chapter 2 and 3.
  3. I admire your persistence. I gave up on NWN1 shortly after starting on chapter 4 when playing it originally Bugs made NWN 1 a total misery for me on release... I revisit it now and again, but I mostly played multiplayer. I bought the... silver box thingy? The one with the original and SoU (no HotU). I think it was fairly stable (if butt ugly). That is why I love this thread and should probably post more encouragement. It's like listening to a horror story rather than living through it Oh I actually own, I think 4 copies of NWN's + expansions... I invested heavily in the multiplayer... All's said though, it was a shower of crap on released, and me being me I bought it on release, and the patch to fix the save bug took forever to come. That's before all the other bugs etc... Volo has spent the entire period of time swearing that NWN's had no issues on release, because he didn't have any, for me it was utterly spoilt by several trashed save games. I will go back and play it all one day, but my backlog is already so impressive that I tend to play mostly based on my work requirements, which meant I chewed through loads of FPS's over the last couple of years, now I have time to play what I like. So when I'm done with Baldur's Gate, I may infact give NWN's a proper and fair shot... Which reminds me, I want to play NWN2 again, that was WAY better, but from what I recall the retarded camera is even more noticeable after playing Dragon Age. Why did Obsidian screw up the camera so badly? I still hope the offending programmer/designer had to answer for himself, its an abortion. I also hope that Obsidian learnt from the experience, a single, concise, simple camera, is a much better option for players than a complex bunch of different camera's.
  4. I'm concerned about Bioware.
  5. I admire your persistence. I gave up on NWN1 shortly after starting on chapter 4 when playing it originally Bugs made NWN 1 a total misery for me on release... I revisit it now and again, but I mostly played multiplayer.
  6. I couldn't comment any further... Really I can't.
  7. Except Sony are being rather quiet about how powerful it is... I suppose the GPU seems pretty nice, but who knows what's going off with the CPU, multicore - yes, but how fast I ask you, how fast? The speculation is potential 2GHz, I call that crazy talk. Peoples is actually believing Sony's marketing machine AGAIN! Just like with the PS3, its amazing... Truly amazings.
  8. that's a Russian-made game, right? boy, for a 2009 title it sure looks like crap in videos... Its awful. Sometimes I play bad games... Helps fill out the spectrum. A Farewell to Dragons so far is a 3/10.
  9. AFAIK EA puts an embargo on all their titles, major or not. I have no doubt DAII will have, at the very least, solid reviews. Most previews/impressions of the demo, for example, were rather gushing in tone. Not all actually: The Decline of the Classic RPG Read article... Thought article was written by a fool who managed to rant for three pages and say very little. Stupid pretentious article.
  10. See I like HoMM 3 because it's the one I've played the most with friends, but I like HoMM because its the one I've played the most. Thing is, HoMM 2 is more advanced than HoMM, hence it gets the complexity win. I like HoMM 4 because they changed the combat... I cannot choose so I shall just wait for HoMM 6, and say that HoMM 6 sucks.
  11. I can't decide, I like them all, just for different reasons.
  12. I've done that. It wasn't good for me. It won't be good for you. Get yourself to hospital NOW. Seriously. I went to the hospital the day before, they rehydrated me. I'm not 100% better, but I'm back at work now. Still sometimes passing blood. Royal Surrey Hospital... The staff there didn't seem concerned.
  13. Lets see what am I playing currently... Desktop: Dragon Age: Origins, and A Farewell to Dragons. Netbook: Baldur's Gate and XCom PS3: Bulletstorm, Vanquish, and Front Mission Evolved XBox 360: The Eldar Scrolls IV: Oblivion, and Epic Dungeon. Wii: Nothing that I can recall... Usually R-Type when I do turn it on.
  14. Sorry for asking but,.... Whats exactly the joke? Mariani Wine is aparently sacred, because the pope seems to endorse it in some manner. Frankly it requires you to see the pope as a sacred figure and not a protector and purveyor of child molestation. Hence the joke failed epically for me.
  15. Well, the idea is that they have a core tech team (ICE? iirc), and then they have Guerilla and Naughty Dog at the very least playing well together. MoH was using the Frostbite engine for multiplayer, but I think that was still done by Dice. Not a long stretch to having the whole next MoH game entirely in that engine - I think that in the next year or two we're going to see if the "Sony model" (if there's such a thing) become more prevalent, or that tech knowledge sharing between studios of major publishers becomes more common as the industry seems to be becoming focused on fewer and fewer megahits vs. several semi-successful games. It's not new at all... Hell... Just wiki Renderware, and people still talk about that, you could say that elements are probably still being used in EA titles. EA have been doing tech sharing a very long time. It really depends how something is packaged up.
  16. It happends, and its encouraged, happends aggressively within EA Canada on all the sports titles... Depends on DiCE's angle, DiCE may be pushing Frostbyte2 as a package.
  17. Then don't care Monte, that's fine. Sure, but when people start talking crap, I reserve the right to call them on it. So what? I don't know what your problem is? Seriously... You're being weird.
  18. I'm sorry if it comes across that way. I have heard that Sony dev's get some really nice tools that nobody else does.
  19. Imagine that there is a box in a room. I'm inside that box, but people are arguing what is inside the box and that's annoying. Most people in the box will just ignore "mere civilians", they don't care what you say, what you think, or anything really... I was given some advice, "Don't read game forums.", I've always believed that actually "mere civilians" want to know how things work inside the box, they just don't always like hearing the truth... Sadly the truth is pretty sucky. Bioware and DiCE should probably share tech, but they won't, because of politics, that's right people, internal politics. If you want to use X, you must also take Y and Z. It can be very complex. What I'm beginning to notice is that despite the fact I've always done my best to share the reality of games development, it doesn't seem to matter, people still wish to think that they know better, and that's just sad.
  20. Yeah, I can imagine it don't look that different for untrained eye. In my POV improvements in animation and game mechanics are same as the excellent writing or storyline are for the majority in this board. When most discuss how romances suck in Dragon Age, I whine about wooden animation, horrible graphics and lack of jumping I found bit more info about new animation system. It is based on previous DiCE works, including Mirror's Edge and last Battlefield, but also EA's sport titles (as those must have great movement animations). Good news is that Bioware and DiCE are both EA team, so in theory Mass Effect and Dragon Age brands might use same system in future titles. http://www.gameinformer.com/b/features/arc...tlefield-3.aspx It could happen... But I have to be honest, I doubt Bio and DiCE are sharing tech. It's hard enough sharing tech within a studio never mind across studio's. But you people think what you like...
  21. This makes sense, based on all I have observed of you. Oh dear...
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