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Everything posted by Nightshape

  1. Work, work and more work. Later I'm off to downtown vancouver where I'm going to drink in the many bars that exist, I may even get drunk.
  2. there will be plenty of that soon i'm in the Temple right now, the dungeons are huge and there's no way of resting safely. running all the way back to town seems too much. I have to agree, the writing is awful, the dialogues and the story. but I don't think they could've done a better job with a different setting. well, DarkSun maybe. Troika's games are very messy, I can understand why some people love them, but all in all I'm glad Troika's story is over. I'd hate to see them make a Fallout game, which would probably be a mix between Bloodlines and ToEE. Real men play IRONMAN!
  3. More idiotic crap vomitted from your fingers volo.
  4. fixed I know people can often make arseholes of themselves when "fixing" posts but, damn. But iz Grommy, he always that way.
  5. Centipede with a foot fetish? itz kinda close...
  6. Was postings of serious theory... Honest...
  7. Iz about lezbian gamerz I tellz thee, I found evidence on tha intarwebs!
  8. I'm fine with you taking ownership of the thread, I ended up getting extremely busy at work... Then getting a new job etc... I'd actually forgotten all about this. I felt ToEE Ironman was pretty damn hardcore.
  9. It's not entirely cosmetic. Black and white if you're hidden, colour if you're not. Nightshape's hate for it is rather over the top though. What SCC really needed was colourful icons that shot out of peoples bodies when they died. Hell kitty... I've left Codemasters. I personally never liked that either.
  10. As always my tongue in cheeck humour has failed to communicate.... Just imagine it being said like it was Stan from American Dad. and it did give me a massive splitting headache!
  11. So you enjoied Splinter Cell : Conviction despite the fact that some muppet made the call that the game should be black and white when you're in shadow, and colour when you're not, may I also add that this is the most jarring, dumb, idiotic, stupid thing I've ever seen done in a game under the pretense of communicating messages to the player. If I ever meet the person responsible for making that call, and there is always a chance of that, I will demand an apology!
  12. heh... Day one : ME 3, take code and maybe some assets from ME 2, most likely from a stable ME2 build before it shipped. Day two : Begin iteration. I'd be shocked if ME 3 wasn't running pretty much straight away, it'll have had no content etc... I would hazard a guess they probably took a later UE 3 build at some point, but really... It's just about content iteration, with engine additions. Now, when day one is that there is no engine, tool chain, editors, plan etc... that's when things get interesting...
  13. Yeah, all the worlds developers got togeather and said "Screw this, lets make really crap games".
  14. I bet that took hours of a character artists time.
  15. I'll buy 'em all, I always do... Haven't got CoD this year, I refuse to pay such a price, its worth 10 quid, if that.
  16. Yeah sure, you can add Id to that list as well...
  17. Polish isn't based upon opinion at all, hell I never loved a Blizzard game, but they're all polished to a gleam. AP and FO:NV are fugly games from all kinds of professional perspectives, being technically poor, and artistically void. AP was certainly clunk from a gameplay perspective. We can expand this analysis if you wish, the simple point is that basically polish isn't based on opinion, its based on obvious improvements due to development iteration. Uh, I'm not a professional developer. I'm just a gamer. As an untrained pleb, I thought AP looked good and FO:NV looked fantastic. I found both interfaces easy to use. If you really want to spend time educating me about this, feel free to. But I imagine it is a lot like comparing art. Sure, there is a huge difference between an untrained and a trained artist, but it gets a lot harder to explain why Picasso is such a big deal compared to some other neo-expressionist Joe Schmoe. Potentially, I'm trying to think of an extremely polished title that you may have played, that I know is exceptionally polished. It's just an extra assurance of quality over quantity, CoD isn't very polished in terms of its balancing, but the art tends to be highly polished, and aimed at the eyeline. Maybe you're correct and that to you its just a game, I actually hate the fact I've become a critical gamer who spots tiny errors, but hey, the main thing is... Is it fun? And I've always felt that Obsidian produce fun games, I believe they could also produce fun quality games, if they don't screw up like Trokia did. It's sad, but I don't see Obsidian working with the same publishers, that concerns me.
  18. Polish isn't based upon opinion at all, hell I never loved a Blizzard game, but they're all polished to a gleam. AP and FO:NV are fugly games from all kinds of professional perspectives, being technically poor, and artistically void. AP was certainly clunk from a gameplay perspective. We can expand this analysis if you wish, the simple point is that basically polish isn't based on opinion, its based on obvious improvements due to development iteration. Obsidian games lack polish, I'm fairly certain that the games go kicking and screaming out the door, and nobody is ever fully satisfied, hell I'm certain some people are downright unhappy. Diamonds in the rough, and its been that way for a very long time. Regardless, the focus on story makes them a win for me, if they could focus on gameplay and technology I believe Obsidian's rep would change. I'd hate to guess the AP budget, but what I saw looked like a 5-8million dollar production, if it was more, it was in some serious development hell, and that stuff lays in the hands of individuals in power, I've seen it done first hand, and heads tend to roll when things get exceptionally bad. I like Obsidian, I just wish they'd go less is more, and polish the crap out of something.
  19. It depends which side you come down on, if you're playing the game as an RPG, it's not that bad, its all tolerable. As an action game its a bloody joke. And that's really the issue with the game the general second to second experience is awful. Lots of cheaply produced art too.
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