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Everything posted by Nightshape

  1. Rod Cousin's is the man you'd be looking for, but hey OFP should have be canned many years before it was released.
  2. Everyone has a man-crush on Wals. I hear he smokes a pipe ya know.
  3. I do think that ME2 missed an opportunity to require some sacrifice by the player, making the ending more of a qualified success. But, really, are there any single-player games outside the various "strategy" genres where the player "failing" yeilds anything other than a death screen and a reload? the biowarians insist that the Average Gamer cannot handle failure. more than once has it been pointed out to the crpg developers north o' the 49th parallel that heroic stories often include heroic failure. what a story protagonist learns in defeat is often vital to character growth and such missteps is typical more compelling dramatic fodder than the heroic success. nevertheless, biowarian experience tells 'em that you, the gamer, will refuse to accept failure and that you will reload obsessively no matter how clear the developers present their no-win scenario. *shrug* sounds like hokum. me1 were achieving an incremental step in the right direction with the player having to choose between death o' kaiden (sp?) and ashley. were not a significant failure, but the Gamer experienced some loss... a literal sacrifice. there were no mass hysteria resulting from the virmire choice, were there? nevertheless, the "suicide mission" in me2 could be completed without a single fallen comrade. am not suggesting that game failure need necessarily include a body count, but the player (not the character) needs to feel some loss for there to be a meaningful failure. multiple aspects o' me2 were showing developmental regression. sad. HA! Good Fun! Urgh, the concept of soft failure is awful. There is an obsession with it in the guildford development scene.
  4. Why are you mentioning Bethesda, they've achieved amazing lows in terms of graphical achievement. Some of the worst looking animations and characters in the entire biz come from Bethesda.
  5. that's one of the greatest mysteries of human culture for me... Inbreeding mate...
  6. Bio, I could maybe agree with you... But Bethesda, they own Ugly more than Obsidian did with AP. Sometimes Volo... You amazes me, even for the likes of you.
  7. BAH! Volo's just whining. Nature > Volo. Death is awesome. Deal with it!
  8. And the award for most insecure post of the the year goes to..... ROFL. Too true. Surely if there's one thing we should have grown up enough to know by now it's that you're either gay or straight and fretting about which merely suggests you're the opposite of what you say you are. EDIT: Unless you're bi, obviously. The opposite of which is I suppose being not at all sexy. I take it you guys don't realise what its like to be 100% man, with spandex, and the lot. You also have no humour gland.
  9. Never liked Steve Jobs, always thought it was a douche... That said, I wouldn't wish this on anyone.
  10. This is the saddest thread to ever have existed on these boards, in all the years... I don't know weather I should be proud of your guys's ability to bond in such ways, or fearful of the obvious homoerotic gush that is taking place. I'm cursed with an uber "male" brain. I must squish everything even remotely pink. I can't help it. *squish* Katee Sackoff is about as Manly as I can go... This is a fine picture...
  11. Sure, I think you forget that I've been doing that with mentoring for 3+ years .
  12. It would take a massive amount of work to go through and understand all the code, but yes. Yeah, and I know which one of us is going to get a copy of that baby, mr. programmer-man hint: it's you! Not at all my bitter5 designer friend. Alright, I totally believe that you wont get a copy of the code and go through it in order to look what kind of wizardry CryTek have in their engine. And neither will John Carmack or Tim Sweeney (Also, Im a 3D-muppet, not some pansy designer-wannabe.) You're bitter. I have no interest is trawling through the crytek codebase, if I wanted to do that I'd go work at crytek. Right now I'm busy with the fifa codebase. Also, Crysis 2's tech ain't that impressive, they've a nice tool chain and editor, but I've worked with similar systems directly. There are pleanty of crytek papers on rendering techniques. So why bother? In short, I don't give a damn. At the end of the day, gamers like source engine, or crytek 3, or unreal engine 3 etc... None of them are perfect, I've heard negative things about all those engines, no engine is perfect, and the same techniques crop up time and time again. Sometimes they're some clever things, but if you're just code monkey'in where's the creativity? I don't have a desire to see it, genuinely.
  13. Yeah, and I know which one of us is going to get a copy of that baby, mr. programmer-man hint: it's you! Not at all my bitter5 designer friend.
  14. Geez, I knew things were sour at Crytek, but I didn't expect this. I'd heard a few story's in the industry circle but my god, leaking the source.
  15. Yes lets... I'm interested in what he has to say in response to my comments which were on topic.
  16. 1. But it's probably not going to be like DA:O is it, it'll be different enough that yeah, I don't think its easy to predict how it will be. 2. While BIO have released games under EA, this will be the first which will have done so from pre-production to release under EA. You're a tool, not an idiot this was established several pages back. People tend to respect the moderators here. I imagine you get treat the same no matter the forum. No, it's just the world treats you with contempt. That said Volo, as much of a **** as I am to you, I don't actually dislike you, I've been associated with your e-persona, and other on here for so long, that I think we all know what to expect from each other... Some of it is habit.
  17. Wrote some code at work, got paid for it. Came home. Wrote more code, didn't get paid for it.
  18. ... I rest my case. Oh please, you don't expect me to do an indepth analysis... I just genuinely can't be bothered. I'd have to go off and study the game closely to pull out all the flaws in the texture art, the lighting, and the shadows. Its as much to do with colour balance, colour space, and how that is effected by compression, coupled with the lighting, and pre-baked shadows, it just doesn't sit well, it's a ropey job in a technical sense, and that concerns me. Its a pretty shabby effort though... I'm not even speaking subjectively here, I'm speaking purely in a prefessional sense. They did a bad job and did the art for about 25p.
  19. That's just because "the art direction, my dears, is teerrrible" is the elitist backwoodsman (points to Monty for coining that) way of saying "IT LOOKS LIKE ****!". The latter one is a legitimate opinion. The first one is equivalent to opening the snuffbox, sniffing some of the stuff in and sneering at what you perceive to be an unwashed peasant. Well I did say that "Yellow isn't an Art Direction, Yellow is s***", but I made comments in regards to how the art was poor, and how certain art direction choices just resulted in terrible clashes of colour, and generally that it didn't really seem like they had an art director at all. Even the baked lighting seemed to be poorly implemented, just general bad art execution and direction. AP from an art perspective is all kinds of ugly, but that doesn't mean the games all bad. I mean seriously though, to have the unreal engine, and to make something so poor looking is sad, but hey... Atleast they've shipped.
  20. then perhaps all credit should instead go to Gromnir. the boards we do not frequent is "elss tyoelrant." no? HA! Good Fun! The AP crowd get fiesty... I went in once or twice to complain about some mistakes that Obsidian had clearly made in regards to texture compression, and terrible art direction. They didn't listen, they just foamed at the mouth.
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