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Killian Kalthorne

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Everything posted by Killian Kalthorne

  1. I like term limits. Personally I like to see term limits on House and Senate seats, both state and federal, and state governors. No more than 12 years on the HOuse and Senate side, no more than 8 on the governor side.
  2. Non-violence means no one is hurt. No one took any violent action. No fists flying, no yelling profanities, no bullets flying, and no hostages taken. That is non-violence. The Iranian revolution was not non-violent.
  3. I am now drinking the pop my feet froze for.
  4. I went outside after the winter storm because I was out of pop. I didn't wear socks. BAD IDEA! BAD IDEA! BAD IDEA!
  5. A moon base resort and future star port to head deeper in our solar system may have a lot of potential. Just imagine the mining potential in the asteroid belt alone!
  6. If it smells like a fish, swims like a fish, and taste like a fish then it is a fish. I see you are afraid to answer my question thusly proving yourself to be nothing more than another empty mouthpiece of BS. Again I ask, why does communism fear freedom of speech?
  7. If communism is so great why do countries like China and North Korea have to force their people to live under communistic rule? I mean why do they have to censor the media from other countries if their system is so great? Why do they have to use mass massacres, such as the Tienanmen Square Massacre, to quell a peaceful protest? If communism and socialism are so wonderful and great why does Hugo Chavez in Venezuela have to use dictatorship style abuse of power just to quell opposition? If communism was so great why does it fear freedom of speech?
  8. I like my blood, gore, and head exploding violence. It allows me to do things I wouldn't do in real life. If I do the non-violent thing in my gaming it would mean I would have to do the violent things in real life. People kind of frown on that for some odd reason.
  9. Now if only if they could put a FTL propulsion system on it...
  10. Taks, I don't mind one bit you posting facts. However I do think that we should take action to limit pollution, limit the use of fossil fuels, and push forward on renewable energies. Regardless of the Global warming , by doing this we will be able to sustain ourselves on this miserable little mudball a little longer. Until we develop FTL tech this is the only planet we can live on in such numbers.
  11. I still don't get how people can say global warming isn't happening. Just look at the melting glaciers and ice caps. If that is not caused by global warming then what is causing it.
  12. Hey, some people might enjoy it. Besides, what is wrong with the Rogue class? How else would you steal, go stealthy, and pick locks if you don't have a rogue?
  13. If the mortgage is that long you might as well rent. At least you don't have to worry about doing maintenance for the place or shovel the walk if you rent.
  14. "**** the children." They have their games and let the adults have theirs.
  15. My University got in to a bowl! Its the Insight Bowl. Why did they get into a bowl this year with a 6-6 record? Because they beaten Nebraska, 9 to 7. HA!
  16. If one hates London they should move to Iowa. Everyone should move to Iowa. Iowa FTW! Its cheaper than California that is for sure.
  17. I trust the government more than I do business. At their core, the purpose of government is to serve and protect all the people that it governs while the purpose of business is to make as much profit as possible. Of course that is not a universal truth, unfortunately. There are many governments that seek to be self serving at the cost of its people. Prime examples of that are the Iranian and Chinese governments, and there are some companies who are nonprofit. However a properly ran government is for the people and by the people. A properly ran business is for the owners, and only for the owners.
  18. Walsh, it sounds to me that you should move to Iowa.
  19. How can anyone live like that? I most certainly couldn't. Maybe it can be a gag gift for a claustrophobic.
  20. I hope you weren't wearing them at the time.
  21. I use to get hung up on writing and a lot of the bullcrap way back when but you know, I just don't care any more. Only thing I care about is if the game is fun or not and Fallout 3 was a fun. The only thing that matters to me now is if the game is fun to play. Everything else is irrelevant.
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