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Killian Kalthorne

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Everything posted by Killian Kalthorne

  1. You know, if I ever become a serial killer I would use a felt tip pen and mark a stickman jumping off a cliff on my victim's forehead.
  2. Nah, you are just icing on the cake, and the cake is a lie but the frosting is divine. Icing. Frosting. I just realize that cake descriptors make me feel cold.
  3. If it wasn't for socialize medicine one of our greatest minds of the modern era would not have lived as long as he has. Stephen Hawking. That alone is a major plus for socialized medicine in my book.
  4. If you don't like it then don't buy the game. Problem solve.
  5. Hobbes are nothing. Its the Calvins you have to worry about.
  6. I like the convoluted aspects of Shadowrun, but I am planning something like that for my Shadowrun campaign in the form of a full on extraterrestrial/extraplanar invasion of alien life draining spirits who destroyed all life on Mars before moving on to another star system. Kind of if you mixed Independence Day with Final Fantasy Spirits Within, with a touch of X-Com UFO Defense. The Shedim and their masters descend on the Earth seeking to enslave and decimate all life on the planet, and the Runners are caught in the middle of several factions trying to survive at the cost of the others.
  7. I really do like to take the devil's advocate with you because you are so passionate about your stance and you make arguing fun. You and Walsh are definitely two of my favorites.
  8. Don't be naive. Given our advances in technology and logistics, do you really think the killing of civilians are truly "accidents" and are really viewed as "collateral" damage by NATO forces? They know full well that there are civilians in the mix when they send the drones in on bombing runs. They know full well that there are noncombatants in those houses and strongholds they raid. They do not care. They use buzzwords to justify their actions and make it all nice and clean for the public to consume.
  9. The reason for war matters not for the dead. You and I will just have to agree to disagree on this, Krezy.
  10. The DLCs in Fallout 3 are larger in scope and added far more to its gameplay than anything DA, ME1, or ME2 have gotten.
  11. What do you expect? It was war. In war, the military loves to use its new toys and the atomic bomb was a very shiny new toy back then
  12. Oh yes, war is so civilized and humane. Human rights are great, worth fighting for, and instill in all people, but do not be naive. The purpose of war is to kill the enemy, to destroy him or her utterly so that the enemy can never threaten you again. There is no justice in war. There is no such thing as a civilized and humane war. There is only death, destruction, and hate. That is war.
  13. I never said it was right, Morgoth. If it comes down to victory or to follow the Geneva conventions, I am betting the Geneva conventions will be tossed out, regardless of nation or organization involved in the conflict.
  14. It is war, Krezy. "Terrorism" is a buzz word that has been given a strong, and justified, negative meaning. War is war. It doesn't change if you use buzz words. It doesn't change if you are in a uniform or not. It is war. In war you defeat your enemy or you will lose against your enemy. All is fair in war.
  15. As long as the DLCs of Fallout 3's, particularly Point Lookout, in size and not ME2 and DA bit size DLCs.
  16. Volo, you are the only sane gamer at the Codex which means I really don't consider you a Codexer.
  17. The civilians support the government and military, they are a whole an entity. Japan, as a nation and entity, attacked the US.
  18. If it was up to me I would have bombed Tokyo, and save the other bomb for Berlin. When they attacked us they became the enemy. The best way to take down an enemy is to tear about its foundation. The foundation of any military is its civilian support which the government can pull from to bolster its military. The point of war is to win. You cannot win by being nice to those who want to kill you.
  19. American dickery? You got to be kidding me. Japan invaded us. Practically destroyed Pearl Harbor. American dickery?!?!? They deserved what they got.
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