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Everything posted by Syraxis

  1. The KRAKEN!
  2. "Games you can't find anywhere else" All games they've shown so far are 3rd party titles.
  3. Ghost Reacon Future Soldier w/ kinect support
  4. I can fight wars with the flick of my fingers! HOOAH!
  5. Rainbow Six did this; nothing innovative. You lie Ray.
  6. Commander DudeBro!
  7. No complaints.
  8. Girl's got it going on.
  9. Call of Duty: world's greatest storytellers. lol
  10. I predict: Sony: Vita and demos. Microsoft: Powerpoints and kinect.
  11. No. Why is this abnormal? Seems to be current trend, just like crysis 2, iirc. Pretty much every new big name release this gen.
  12. Never played X-Com myself but imo that looks pretty janky.
  13. UO is still subscription based? Didn't know people still played it.
  14. Wonder how long it'll take post release for someone to get rid of it. Besides that, looks great.
  15. It does seem pretty random to mention that while quoting a huge ad though. While using the Elder Scrolls logo as an avatar I could easily use an L.A. Noire avatar, doesn't mean I'll ever play the game though (no console).
  16. I can't believe that made you feel sick... I thought it was an awesome scene! You a vegan or something. Veganism is evil. Nope. Just the sight of blood/bodily parts makes me feel uneasy. My mother OTOH; loves watching open surgery shows on the discovery channel. Sometimes I wonder if I'm a bastard myself. lol
  17. Mildly interested.... though not day one.
  18. Too much politics can get person depressed; that's why nowadays I read sparingly.
  19. First few mins into the ep. and I'm already by the skinning of the deer. Was that a real one? Hate to be that guy if so, heh. Yes. Because I like women.
  20. Woke up with the sudden urge to find new indie bands on Pandora, was not disappointed.
  21. I really should get around to finishing the witcher. AoK sounds amazing.
  22. Vista was already an embarrassment to the company but they actually did THAT!?!
  23. It will be expensive ... for consumers to think to themselves 'I will work more hours to buy one'. We want people to feel that they want it, irrespective of anything else.” -Ken Kutaragi, 2006.
  24. Chill man, i knew your comment meant no offense.
  25. Reading some these books makes me doubt that. Seriously.
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