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Status Updates posted by UnknownRegions

  1. you!!!

    lord of the rings is pretty good. it was before my time though. so.. eragon is the lord of the rings of my generation. i've read all the lotr books (including The Hobbit). i've even read Silimalarion (i think that's how you spell it) and The Book of Lost Tales by J. R. Tolkien. They both blow!

  2. you're on time magizine??!!!

    *say with fake awe*

  3. you're pretty.... *blushing*

    lol. =)

    if that's love...

    i make it all the time!! :shifty:


  4. you're welcome, mate! :D

    What about forum hell, Architect?

    there aren't very many women on this site so expect dudes to be tearing up your page. ;)

  5. you're welcome. =)

    yeah... hk is probably my favorite character in the game. =) i'm known on this website as emo kid.... i wonder why. =| ?????

  6. you've done speed too?? :shifty:

    sorry about the drug ref. online-mom. :lol:

  7. your new pic looks great. you look like someone i know... but i can't remember who. =(

    wow! you like family guy and dane cook. =)

    nice. wait... do you just like dane cook (sexually) or do you just like his comedy? i think his comedy is brilliant (even though he steals jokes sometimes). i also like Demetri Martin. have you heard of him? what kind of music do you like?

  8. your pic is great! two walkers bangin'....


  9. "hi, pooh is here!!"

    wtf man. =|

  10. (contin) the only kind of epic they are is epic FAIL!! reading The Silamarilion and The Book of Lost Tales is like reading the Bible or a book on Mythology. THERE IS NO EPIC STORY THERE!! i agree with you on the fact that lotr is way better than eragon. it can't be fought. it is a great book (if not the greatest).

  11. *laughs* i'm already on the dark side of the see-saw. maybe someday someone will change my mind.

  12. *tears shirt and foams at mouth*

  13. agreed. tell me what you think about my latest post.

  14. amen, i want teh kotor! you said it. they finally managed to make kreia look the the evil b**** she is...

  15. Archiect a homo? hmmmm... i could see that. his gay lover being himself of course....

  16. at a level that God does. Can you know the hearts and minds of men. NO! Is there any indisputable supporting evolution? NO! Have any definite transional forms been found? NO! "Bashing?" does disagreeing with the morality of it count as "bashing"?

  17. AY!! wat's goin on?

  18. before the game came out? COOL!

  19. bib? lotr? bible and...??? could you be more specific?

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