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Wrath of Dagon

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Everything posted by Wrath of Dagon

  1. After Medieval they made the battles very fast and arcady and I never really liked them anymore. I did play through the first Rome campaign though, it was OK but I wouldn't spend time on it again.
  2. Got nostalgic and re-installed the original Medieval: Total War. I tried to find a high res mod for it, but there doesn't seem to be one. However, I did find a fix which lets you select all the original resolutions under Win 7: http://forums.totalwar.org/vb/local_links.php?catid=168 It's the first download, you just unzip it into the install directory. At the highest res the sprites actually look quite nice, even when zoomed in, much better than I remember playing years ago.
  3. I dropped $12 on a Kindle collection of short stories by William De La Mare, after all my efforts to find "Out of the Deep" for free proved fruitless. Stupid Mickey Mouse copyright!
  4. People rioting in Ferguson, one of the top reasons they give is that there are no jobs available.
  5. Well, Middle East is pretty much all homosexual, criminality or not. Which is also an argument against people being born homosexual, that and Ancient Greece. And no, any one thing doesn't affect stable families, it's a combination of many things, it's the culture in general. Not so long ago when sodomy was illegal, families were also more stable. It's not that one caused the other, it's that the culture was completely different, and caused both. Nah, I don't see any kind of a serious secessionist movement, even in Texas, I guess we've become sheep. May be if they try to take away our guns.
  6. So people are rioting saying they can't find jobs, yet we need to let in more illegals to take those jobs?
  7. Your freedom ends the instant it intrudes on someone else. Killing & stealing affect other people. Consenting adults marrying whoever they want does not. c'mon, you know better than that! as far as drug use I would not go so far as to legalize all drugs because with some there ARE significant public safety concerns. But is a gay couple moves in next door and you don't like them being there... move. You are free to move, to ignore them etc. No one is forcing you to like anything. If I'm in the majority, I should be able to have the society I want, not one where anything goes. Everything someone does affects the society in some way, people are social animals and no one is an island. For example, if you don't have stable families, you don't have a stable society either. People used to understand that, but now we're tending towards absolutism. Like I said, Republican party is already dead, now they're driving away their base. I see major political realignment coming, but for the foreseeable future I guess we're stuck with one party Democrat rule.
  8. What about not stealing and not killing? Those are moral choices too. You might say certain behaviors don't affect others, so are OK. But what if I want to live in a society where people aren't all drug users and don't engage in deviant behavior? Do you understand that society affects everyone who lives in it, one way or another?
  9. Walls don't mean you can't have a partnership. Good fences make good neighbors. I suspect the reason you think we have some kind of severe labor shortage is you haven't had to look for a private sector job.
  10. It's been that way ever since US was founded, yet worked just fine. Laws express peoples moral believes, without moral believes you can't have a functional society. Just having a law on what relationships are recognized as marriage doesn't make the government bigger somehow.
  11. Half of Republicans are what's called "religious right". The Republican party can't survive without them anyway, so becoming more socially liberal is a dead end. Sure, lots of people say they'd like to see Republicans more socially liberal, but in the end they'll just vote for Democrats anyway, because it's the party of free goodies, and we all feel entitled.
  12. Also, if we secure the border, the legal and illegal immigrants doing those jobs aren't just going to suddenly evaporate. In any case, laws must be enforced. Ignoring them only leads to crime and anarchy. You can not have a democratic society without rule of law. How much legal immigration we need is a legitimate subject of debate. IMO 20 million over 10 years is a very reasonable limit that Jeff Sessions has proposed.
  13. Your articles are just someone's opinion that happens to correspond to your own. We have plenty of unemployed people who could use those jobs. To say illegal immigration doesn't cost us anything is ridiculous, 20 years ago Harry Reid ranted that 25% of births in California public hospitals was to illegals. Who's paying for those births? Every child of illegals born in the US is an immediate US citizens, eligible for all welfare benefits. All they have to do is have half a dozen kids, then live high off the hog on the US taxpayer. And what's the rate now, 50%? 80%? California has 4 times as many poor as any other state, where do you think those poor are coming from? Education is free for them, medical services are free, often housing is. Who's paying for all that? Just to deal with the current immigration crisis, Obama asked for 4 billion dollars just as a supplement, just for a short time, that's more than the entire 2000 mile fence, assuming 2 million dollars per mile. Do you know that the government actually gives tax id numbers to illegals, theoretically so they could pay taxes (lol), but they actually use them to fraudulently obtain billions of dollars from the government by filing fake tax returns. Not to mention all the other crimes they're committing, all the social problems they create. Just a few days ago here an apparent illegal killed a family of four in a car accident trying to escape the police. Normally a society tries to eradicate poverty, we're intentionally importing it. As far as overstaying visas, I already said they have to start tracking the visas, go find the people doing it and revoke their visas forever. Edit: Also, if really need those jobs filled, what's all the legal immigration for anyway? Or is it just that we need to somehow exploit people by paying below minimum wage, or our economy will shut down?
  14. Yes, well we "steal" land for roads and pipelines all the time. Of course, the owner is compensated, so it's not stealing as you say. As far as cost, no where near what we're already spending on the mangy illegals, I mean we have to pay Hurl's wife to educate them for one thing.
  15. That wouldn't solve anything as there is an almost limitless number of people wanting in. Unless you want to take in a good chunk of the world that solution won't work. It's very well known how to secure the border. Build a good 2 or 3 layer fence and actually patrol it. It's working as San Diego right now. As far as other ways, we need an entry/exit visa tracking system that Congress has voted for many times but somehow just never gets implemented. It's almost unbelievable that in the age of computers the government actually has no way to tell if someone has overstayed a visa.
  16. Hiring them isn't helping them break the law. The that they entered this country without following the legal process was just as broken whether or not they are working. I guess you'd rather they be living off welfare than working. The issue of illegal immigration is between the illegal and the government; not between me and the government. Yet if I hire a guy to fix my porch, and it turns out he's an illegal; I'm in big trouble. I've never heard of anyone getting in trouble for that. May be if he was an actual employee, but these days not even that. And of course you're helping them stay here illegally if you pay them, they're theoretically ineligible for welfare, although the government probably pays them illegally anyway. You do have a point that it's the government's job to enforce the laws, not the citizens, that's why they should be stopped at the border, the whole thing is a farce. But this whole thing of enforcing the laws against your own citizens and not against everyone else who comes here illegally and then proceeds to break all kinds of laws (not paying taxes, fake and stolen identities, forged documents, fake tax refunds), and that's not even the real hard core criminals who easily go back and forth across the border, is getting real old. At some point you got to think citizens will stop respecting the law the same way they see the government do it.
  17. It is a fact that the officer didn't know about the robbery. I'd cite Tweets, but I know you've pretty much made up your mind. I know that now, but in the morning when I posted they were reporting the opposite. I guess nowadays you have to wait two days after any news just to see if today they're still saying the same thing as yesterday. As far as you knowing my mind, you must be psychic. I'm waiting for all the facts to come out, and I think it will happen in not too distant future.
  18. Probably just another harassing political indictment, something Austin democrats love to do to Republicans. I would think Perry has immunity for any official act. As far as Republican party becoming either Democrats 2 or Libertarians 2, you can already vote for those parties.
  19. Rostere doesn't believe Israel has the right to exist, so you have to take his posts in that spirit. But good observations on his usual propaganda.
  20. .... you do know this situation extends far beyond the initial incident, right? You do know that Brown was shot up to ten times, right, after he put his hands up? I mean, you're just being a troll, right? Or else do you actually think it's okay to execute someone who is peacefully surrendering just because they committed a prior crime? At this point I don't know any of that for a fact. If it was, it would be case closed. In that case I believe the officer. He took his taser out, put it back, then took the gun out and shot the victim. Why would he do that in public unless his mind flipped the gun with the taser, I know that kind of thing happens, especially under pressure.
  21. So by your logic I should be able to shoot anyone I want, because the gun is my property and I can do whatever I want with it. Property rights aren't absolute, even under capitalism.
  22. Or we could not assume and just wait for all the facts to come out. May be police used excessive force, may be they didn't. Yeah the guy was unarmed, but he's a 6'4" 290 lbs giant. You can see him assaulting the clerk in the robbery video, anyone would be scared for his life.
  23. So the police are now saying the reason the shooting victim was stopped was because he had just committed a robbery in a convenience store. Looks like once again everyone has jumped to conclusions and we've been fed a narrative to advance an agenda.
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