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Wrath of Dagon

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Everything posted by Wrath of Dagon

  1. Trump wants Sessions out. I actually support Sessions a lot more than Trump. Looks like it's over for him anyway. Edit: Also it was Trump's big mouth that got him Mueller, not Sessions: https://twitter.com/kausmickey/status/889799520481034240
  2. Someone had to write it for them.
  3. No, the Republican motto is "We're dumb as rocks, and we do whatever our corporate masters tell us."
  4. Democrats' motto should be "We hate America and we're doing everything we can to destroy it!".
  5. Good, may be they'll liberalize their immigration policies wrt other Latin American countries.
  6. World's first operational laser weapon deployed by the US navy: http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-07-18/navy-unveils-worlds-first-active-laser-weapon-persian-gulf
  7. That reminds me, just bought Asimov's first Foundation book for Kindle for $1.99 Loved that book when I was a teenager. Will have to see if either of us aged well.
  8. I guess you'd be living out of your car on that?
  9. The toughest animal on earth: https://wattsupwiththat.com/2017/07/16/the-last-survivors-on-earth/
  10. Another Clinton connected "suicide": http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-07-16/haiti-official-who-exposed-clinton-foundation-found-dead
  11. Another Trump horror story: http://bangordailynews.com/2017/04/28/business/amid-foreign-worker-shortage-bar-harbor-businesses-turn-to-local-labor/?ref=comments Edit: Brexit horror story too: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DErZP6bXYAEywZH.jpg:large
  12. Yes, I'm waiting for the expansion to start my new play through, I'll do some skills different this time and also be more evil.
  13. Finally an update on the Underrail expansion: http://www.gamebanshee.com/news/119288-underrail-expedition-gameplay-video.html
  14. I saw him in person one time.
  15. lol Anyway he's crying about pollution.
  16. They serve their sentences first, then get deported. At least in theory.
  17. Yes, it's totally the US fault for us having it so good everyone in the world wants to come here. Also I never said I blame those people, I mostly blame the government for refusing to enforce or even helping people break the law. Edit: Trump isn't even doing "mass deportations". Leftists don't even want criminals deported.
  18. It's misinformation because it implies the only issue here is that they somehow failed to get their documents correct for working, where in fact they broke the law by coming here and continue to break it by being here at all, working or not. Yes, because it's illegal to overstay your visa.
  19. Sure it does. The Federal Reserve creates money out of nothing. We then use that money to buy crap from China. We then borrow that money back from China to buy more of their crap, ad infinitum.
  20. I agree that we're going about the problem all wrong. I think establishing a commission to look at other countries' healthcare systems and their trade offs would be a good first step. Of course I still remember what happened to the Simpson-Bowles deficit reduction commission.
  21. The problem there is that we blow our taxes on establishing national and global security, while other nations don't have those spending concerns. Never mind we never actually recovered from 2008. I don't see an alternative to establishing security. It's part of the problem for sure but still a relatively small part. The real whale are the entitlements, and healthcare in particular.
  22. That gets decided through the democratic process, at least in theory. The main problem in the US is we don't have an equitable taxation system to afford the spending most people support.
  23. Capitalism is the only economic system that allows for a semblance of democracy because of the distribution of ownership. Under socialism you could theoretically claim to be free, but since you have to work for the government, you're only free if you don't care about having a job and eating.
  24. Seriously, I have never understood the hesitancy to automate jobs that can be automated. That is called progress, and it will drive growth in other sectors. Did people complain like this when automobiles replaced horse buggies? I am sure they did, actually. Problem occurs when every job can be automated.
  25. Probably will happen to all of us in not too distant future.
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