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Wrath of Dagon

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Everything posted by Wrath of Dagon

  1. https://twitter.com/RyanTAnd/status/895651901814915073 He's talking about the empty lower right quadrant.
  2. This is kind of funny, at least to me: https://townhall.com/columnists/kurtschlichter/2017/08/10/politically-correct-hollywood-is-doomed-n2365954 Edit: There's really no way to parody the left: https://yalealumnimagazine.com/blog_posts/2695-disarmament
  3. My policy is always to wait for at least 2 weeks to up to 2 months depending on the game for the patches to stabilize.
  4. Enslaved is really good, although I had to play it on easy because I'm no good in that kind of combat. Didn't care for the ending though.
  5. Unlike the unemployment report, the employment report takes those masses into account, which is why I posted it. You'll notice that employment is still way down from the 2000 peak.
  6. Low income wages finally rising, can't have that, need more low skilled immigrants: https://www.wsj.com/articles/low-income-earners-see-weekly-pay-gain-faster-than-other-groups-1500543003 Prime age employment highest since 2008, need more immigration to stop this outrage!
  7. Yes, really terrible, this can not stand. Edit: Also based on a fake NBC news report - http://www.breitbart.com/immigration/2017/08/08/fake-news-nbc-news-phony-crop-rot-story-goes-viral/
  8. That still sounds incredibly controlling. They are making that decision based solely on a religious belief, I assume. How is that any better than what Google does? Google tries to politically indoctrinate employees and fires the unindoctrinatable ones, Hobby Lobby refuses to pay for abortion inducing drugs. Where's the similarity here?
  9. Living in the age of science fiction.
  10. No, they don't determine the birth control, just what they'll pay for. The employee is perfectly free to pay for it herself. Edit:
  11. You're the perfect candidate for the coming Soviet system. Well, except you won't get any gourmet lunches. I'm switching to DuckDuckGo btw, been sick of google politicking for quite some time now. Edit: Sounds like an excellent idea to me, let people who want to take the risks, keep the military for the defense of the US. Kind of like the French Foreign Legion.
  12. Finally was able to do a mission in "Death to Spies" without watching a play through first. It's a WW2 infiltration/assassination game about Soviet SMERSH. Of course was only able to get the bad outcome, the good outcome seems incredibly difficult. Witcher 3: At level 16 but still doing level 12 quests. RPG systems, character progression in particular, are kind of weak. Writing and quest design are very good though, enjoying it a lot overall. Helped once I figured out when you use Witcher Sight, it shows you clue locations on the mini-map, before felt like tedious filler. Grim Dawn: Clickity-click but surprisingly a lot of fun in small doses, try to play it once in two weeks or so. Expedition Viking: Didn't really see the point of changes made from Conquistador at first, but getting used to the new game play now. It's quite involving so far, makes you want to keep playing. Seems like there should be a defense skill in addition to shields though. Jet Set Radio : Trying to get decent in the tutorial before I try the first mission again.
  13. The GULAG archipelago.
  14. Technically Jupiter doesn't orbit the sun: http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/jupiter-is-so-big-it-does-not-actually-orbit-the-sun/ar-AApaGFf
  15. By your logic any law is nazism.
  16. My drive isn't bad, and they're building a ton of roads, now that most new roads are toll.
  17. So I see Samsung's QDOT 4k monitors don't have HDR and their HDR monitors aren't full 4K. Bleh.
  18. I was 14 when I found that rope, I also *spoiler* blew up the rad scorpion's cave entrance with a dynamite so I didn't have to fight them and waste any bullets or stimpacks. I must have been a genius, such a shame society never decided to make use of me. Their loss though, replaying BioShock 2 was every bit as enjoyable as I remembered it to be. I'll finish up Minerva's Den DLC soon and then I'll start playing Transistor before heading for BioShock: Infinite...I need a change of pace every once in awhile. Heh, I had the same problem with the rope. I also thought it was a very bad start to have to fight all those scorpions, never figured out the dynamite. Then I found the ray gun, but forgot to save, so I lost it. And then I got to Junktown I think, and kept getting murdered by the gangs. At that point I quit. Now that I've had more experience with that type of game, I want to try it again, if only I can find a time window (not any time soon).
  19. New catalyst for splitting water invented in Houston: https://phys.org/news/2017-07-scientists-robust-catalyst-hydrogen-oxygen.html
  20. May be NPR should be reporting on this instead: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2017/08/01/wasserman-schultz-under-pressure-to-testify-on-ex-it-aide-complaint-filed.html
  21. Apparently Kelly fired him.
  22. In a multi-party system, parties have to compete much more for voters, thus there's less corruption, which is the main problem with our two party system. Changing that would take a Constitutional Amendment, which is very difficult since both parties would be against that. There is a small chance that a mass movement could accomplish that, but the underlying problem here is the ignorance and apathy of voters.
  23. The question marks are OK. I just do a few in a locality whenever I do a quest there. Feels rewarding to clear a few out.
  24. Because conservatives wanted to smear Clinton they succeed to get SC decision that now prevents them blocking liberals from smearing Trump, which forces them to use "Fake News" defense. I see irony in that. There's no irony. Free speech is free for everyone. Also "Fake news" is a term liberals came up with, only to have it boomerang in their faces since they're the main purveyors.
  25. This thing with Sessions got me upset. But more generally Trump's lack of self control or judgment.
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